Grid Project:   CO2 Incline

Mesh Team Members: Terry Miller
Modeling Team Members: Rajesh Pawar
Delivered: October 2018
Local Working Directory: /scratch/fwo/tam/CO2

Project Purpose

Investigate movement of CO2 plume with an up slope near 6 degrees and near 25 degrees on the back side.
This simulation is extremely sensitive to the smoothness of the slope along x,y,z.

Image Gallery all Versions

Wyoming Rock Springs Uplift
EarthVision model WYCO2_2008

Tet mesh model of the slope

Simulated slope layer

V1 Rock Springs Uplift

V1 RSU MESH using Rock Springs Uplift surface 
See 2008 Project pages

Mesh is 200000 long x 7000 wide with Z from 0 to 5350 meters. 
Middle Material 2 has 50m horiz spacing and 30m spacing same as stack_slope_v3 and 4a 

Source Weber surface (top):
EV RSU Model RSU3D082608 Weber surface
Exported from grid rsu/horizon/Block3_Pw.2grd (tam, 30 Sep 2008)
Grid_size: 94 x 86
Grid_space: 635454.545617,720000.000000,4585685.183704,4662500.000000 (feet)
EV surface size converted to meters:
 NAME              MIN               MAX         DIFFERENCE    LENGTH  
 xic     1.936865455E+05  2.194560000E+05 2.576945450E+04      8084  
 yic     1.397716844E+06  1.421130000E+06 2.341315601E+04      8084  
 zic    -4.745460370E+03  3.595548346E+02 5.105015205E+03      8084  

Note this surface has almost 300m spacing and extents to not extend far
enough south to include the full hump. This mesh front is at furthest south edge.
For larger domain and better resolution, use EV tools or contact John Jiao for data.

Tet Mesh
nodes =     1526607 
elements =  8798292

Files for FEHM and column zone files:

-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 469119128 Oct 18 11:18 tet.fehmn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft  16792788 Oct 18 11:18
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft  14412090 Oct 18 11:22
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   1566107 Oct 18 11:22
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   9039881 Oct 18 11:22 tet_outside_vor.area
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 558839436 Oct 18 11:25 tet.stor

V4a 4 Degree Rotated Incline

NEW SLOPE MESH V4a rotate 4 degrees, 50m with 30m vertical layers in middle
Move join point of incline to slope 10175.15331265 trans to 10150.

nodes = 684275
elements = 3887436

Files for FEHM and column zone files:

-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 207968460 Oct 15 09:43 tet.fehmn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 157738565 Oct 15 09:43 tet.stor
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   7527136 Oct 15 09:43
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   6958106 Oct 15 09:43
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   4657873 Oct 15 09:43 tet_outside_vor.area
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft    807019 Oct 15 09:43
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       213 Oct 15 09:43 column1_mid.zonn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       321 Oct 15 09:43 column1.zonn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       213 Oct 15 09:43 column2_mid.zonn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       321 Oct 15 09:43 column2.zonn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       596 Oct 15 09:43 column3.zonn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft  82797477 Oct 15 09:43 tet_attrib_fields.dat

V3c 6 degree Rotated Incline

SLOPE MESH V3c 50m with 30m vertical layers in middle 
Replaces V3a which has a subtle problem at the join
Replaces V3b with join point translated to nearest 50m integer 

684275   nodes    
3887436  tets

Mesh has consistent 30m layers for material 2 and the neighboring buffer layers.
So all Voronoi volumes for material 2 are within an epsilon of 75000 (not boundary).

140000 long x 5000 wide with 50m horiz spacing and 30m spacing in middle material 2. 
This mesh fixes the slope so it has a smooth transition from the straight incline to the hill.
The voronoi volume inconsistency is fixed with wider buffers.
This version has a 6 degree incline joining 6 deg sin wave then a 25 degree sin slope at east end.

V2 6 degree Rotated Incline

Sep 13 2018 Local: /scratch/fwo/tam/CO2/stack_slope_v2
SLOPE MESH V2 40m vertical spacing

140000 long x 5000 wide with 50m horiz spacing and near 40m vertical spacing
This version has a 6 degree incline merged at top with 25 degree wave slope at east end
The first effort was close to 45 degrees and could not connect without popping tets

number of nodes =      596001
number of elements =   336000

Material 3 = Above slope layer with flat top at 2000
Material 2 = Slope layer 400m thick with 40m divisions
Material 1 = Under slope layer with flat bottom at 0

# read a gridder mesh and rotate
# LINE of rotation must be longer than input mesh

define MESH_IN mesh3d.inp
define MESH_OUT mesh3d_rotate.inp
define FEHM_OUT tet_rot

define ROTDEG 6.
define YLINE_START -1.
define YLINE_END   100000.

read MESH_IN mo3d

# ROTATE along Y to slope from X min to X max

cmo/printatt/mo3d/-xyz-  minmax
rotateln/1,0,0/nocopy/ 0. YLINE_END 0./ 0. YLINE_START 0. /  ROTDEG 
dump tmp.gmv mo3d

dump MESH_OUT mo3d
dump tmp_rotate.gmv  mo3d
cmo/printatt/mo3d/-xyz-  minmax

dump/fehm/ FEHM_OUT/ mo3d


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