MDAL Brick Well Prototype

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Written: Thu May 12 11:03:40 2016
V1 /scratch/er/tam/MDAL/brick_well_proto
V2 /scratch/er/tam/MDAL/brick_well_proto_v2

Octree Mesh with well column near center
Mesh extents 2007.4 x 2007.4 x 215.04 meters 
smallest spacing at well column is .14 meters = 5.5 inches
largest spacing away from column is 71.68 meters

           MIN               MAX         DIFFERENCE       
xic     0.000000000E+00  2.007400000E+03 2.007400000E+03 
yic     0.000000000E+00  2.007400000E+03 2.007400000E+03
zic     0.000000000E+00  2.150400000E+02 2.150400000E+02

Version 2 Brick well, spacing 2.24m 100m from well center

number of nodes =      811481        
number of elements =  4755110 

Material 1 has    809944 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is   0.998105943203     
Material 2 has      1537 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is   0.189406774007E-02 

Directory: /scratch/er/tam/MDAL/brick_well_proto_v2
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 252574720 May 12  2016 tet.fehmn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 163719465 May 12  2016 tet.stor
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   1167657 May 12  2016 tet_outside_vor.area
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft    202415 May 12  2016
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft   8926369 May 12  2016
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft    601116 May 12  2016

Version 1 Brick well, octree to well center

number of nodes =       66361        
number of elements =   380913 

Material   1 has     64824 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is   0.976838827133     
Material   2 has      1537 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is   0.023161193359 

Directory: /scratch/er/tam/MDAL/brick_well_proto 
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft     20329123 May 12 10:51 tet.fehmn
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft     16932752 May 12 10:51 tet.stor
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft        27031 May 12 10:51
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       155213 May 12 10:51 tet_outside_vor.area
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       730049 May 12 10:51
-rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft       606300 May 12 10:51

Full tet mesh 2007.4 x 2007.4 x 215.04 meters
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Spacing .14m at well, expands to 71.68m rest of mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
V2 with 2.24m Spacing 100m from well
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Tet half mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Voronoi half mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Voronoi at well
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Tet lines at well
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Octree Horizontal Spacing at well
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Vertical Spacing at well
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh