Project:   Pahute Mesa Mesh for ER-20 Test Bed

Grid Team Member: Terry Miller
Grid Name: Mesh A 100x100x25 m for Amanzi
Data Source: Earthvision HFM_PM_20140305
Delivered To: Ed Kwicklis and Lu Zhiming

Versions Used     Description and Size       Date
wtrfit Stretch Z to Fit Watertable (smooth top)
7,055,100 nodes 6,930,000 hex cells
  Feb 2015
walkabout 2
wtrfit for Amanzi->Walkabout New hextotet method
7,055,100 nodes 34,650,000 tet cells
  Jul 2018
walkabout 1
wtrfit for Amanzi->Walkabout Old connect method
7,178,902 nodes 46,865,773 tet cells
  May 2017
wtr Mesh Truncated by Watertable (stair-step top)
6,609,041 nodes 6,485,453 hex cells
  Feb 2015
full Mesh Truncated at Ground
7,910,556 nodes 7,754,821 hex cells
  Feb 2015

See Archives below for more on these versions.

Purpose of Project

This Mesh was created for Test Bed Modeling is used to demonstrate EM HP computing capability for flow and transport in a geologically complex environment.
This is a large domain AMANZI model with 7M cells for Pahute Mesa transport corridor (Area 20, Bench and NW Caldera) using high-fidelity Earthvision model with 76 HSU's and 82 faults.
Particle tracking is run on the AMANZI->Walkabout tet mesh.

The domain is centered near ER-20-11 at 545777.5, 4116548.9 with a bottom at -1000 Meters and a top at ground surface and at watertable surface.
Horizontal spacing is 100 m and vertical spacing is 25m except in the conforming watertable version in which the elevations are stretched proportionally to fit the watertable surface.

This Earthvision Model updates an earlier HFM conceptualized distribution of lava flow aquifers and fault surfaces within the Calico Hills Hydrostratigraphic Unit of the Pahute Mesa Phase I with Pahute Mesa Phase II Hydrostratigraphic Framework Model.

Full Mesh with Top at ground surface (2x)

image description

Mesh Fit to Watertable (2x)

image description

Mesh Fit to watertable with HSU labels

image description

Mesh Faults with Fault labels

image description

Image Pages (html)

All Mesh Images

Model Fit Watertable

Earthvision Images of Domain

Mesh Archives

These uniform grids have spacing of 100x100x25 meters. Note the mesh fit to watertable has variable spacing near 25m and conforming to the watertable surface. In this instance the xy spacing is regular, but vertical spacing is stretched to meet watertable.
Mesh Materials include 51 EV HFM zones (1-74) and 44 faults (101-181)

Full Mesh extents:
 ATTRIBUTE       MIN               MAX         DIFFERENCE  
 xic     5.350000000E+05     5.550000000E+05   2.000000000E+04   
 yic     4.100000000E+06     4.135000000E+06   3.500000000E+04   
 zic    -1.000000000E+03     2.200000000E+03   3.200000000E+03   

Mesh top directory: /scratch/nts/tam/pahute_mesa/mesh_ER20_uniform/meshA_100_100_25

Mesh wtrfit

This is the mesh used for the Test Bed Modeling.
Hex Mesh Fit to watertable surface (smooth top):
  number of dimension: 3
  number of nodes: 7055100
  number of elements: 6930000
  number of element blocks: 95
  number of side sets: 6
  Elevation -1000 to 1468.45 meters
  -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 448547356 Feb 20 10:20 Amanzi_fit_watertable/hex_flts_wtrfit.exo
  README file Fit to watertable

  Paraview Images and Movie work are in

Mesh wtr

Hex Mesh truncated by watertable surface (stair-stepped):
  number of dimension:               3                                            
  number of nodes:             6609041                                            
  number of elements:          6485453                                            
  number of element blocks:         95                                            
  number of side sets:              10     
  Elevation -1000 to 1475 meters
  -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 420036380 Feb 18 12:57 Amanzi_trunc_watertable/hex_flts_wtr.exo
  README file truncated by watertable

Mesh full

Full Hex Mesh with Top at ground surface:
  number of dimension: 3
  number of nodes: 7910556
  number of elements: 7754821
  number of element blocks: 99
  number of side sets: 10
  Elevation -1000 to 2200 meters
  -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 502562728 Jan 29 16:06 Amanzi/hex_w_flts.exo
  README file for Full Mesh

wtrfit Amanzi->Walkabout Mesh 2

Hex to Tet Mesh fit to Watertable Amanzi->Walkabout Method using hextotet 5 :
  number of nodes: 7055100
  number of elements: 34650000
  README file for Walkabout Mesh 2

wtrfit Amanzi->Walkabout Mesh 1

This version particle tracks have issues along boundaries due to meshing.
Hex to Tet Mesh fit to Watertable Amanzi->Walkabout Method using connect :
  number of nodes: 7178902
  number of elements: 46865773
  README file for Walkabout Mesh 1

Source HSU and Fault data

HSU definitions and Earthvision Model sent by
Tim Vogt
Supporting Navarro-Intera, LLC contracted to the
U.S. Department of Energy, NNSA Nevada Field Office
702-295-2057 office
702-994-2489 cell

March 05, 2014 2:25 PM Download location 

     Interpolation from .seq file
     Final fault surfaces are created and merged into file 

Post-process of Fault polygons used to create fault surfaces: 
Kevin Day
Navarro-Intera, LLC / GeoHydros, LLC
NSF: (702)-295-2699
GeoHydros: (775)-337-8803
Mobile: (775)-225-1008

Support and analysis of area fault and geology: 
Drellack, Sigmund 
National Security Technologies, LLC
Contractor to the United States Department of Energy
Mail Address
  Mail Stop NLV 082
  P.O. Box 98521
  Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521
Phone: 702-295-0170
FAX: 702-295-1313

Source Watertable

The top of the watertable mesh align with a potentiometric surface created by Ed Kwicklis
for the this PM model.
X = 500000 to 575000 m (UTM NAD 27)
Y = 4048000 to 4150000 m (UTM NAD 27)
Z = potentiometric surface in meters (1929 datum)


image description


Grid Team Contacts

Carl Gable gable -at- lanl -dot- gov 505-665-3533
Terry Miller tamiller -at- lanl -dot- gov 505-667-8009