Grid Project:   Barrow Ice Wedge Polygon 06 V3.0.1 (fine scale)

Grid Team Member: Lucia Short
Grid Version: Version 03.0.2:
single polygon #06 with corners
Data Source: LiDAR from Area C
Delivered To: Scott Painter
Date Completed: November 04, 2013
V3.0.2 Mesh (6 layers & corners): 168,489 Nodes and 319,488 Cells
V3.0.1 Mesh (6 layers & corners): 311,273 Nodes and 602,112 Cells
V3 Mesh (6 layers) : 311,273 Nodes and 602,112 Cells
V2 Mesh (5 layers) : 311,273 Nodes and 602,112 Cells
V1 Mesh (prototype):   51,344 Nodes and  94,080 Cells

Purpose of Project

These meshes were developed in support of the Arctic Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE-Arctic) Project and LANL Laboratory Directed project LDRD20120068DR. These two projects share a need for high quality computational meshes for use in fine-scale modeling of thermal hydrology in ice-wedge polygon landscapes.

Version 3.0.1 is a modification of the Version 3.0 mesh which adds corner faces to the exodus file.

This version has a correction to file write_exo.lgi and now has two additional layers for corner and top faces.

The following are additional faces that were added to the V3.0.0:

  layer 7 -> corner side faces
  layer 8 -> corner top faces

Full Stacked Mesh with Ice Wedge
6 material layers plus ice material

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

Full Stacked Mesh with Ice Wedge
Cut to show internal materials

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

Mesh and Ice Wedge
with moss and organic layers removed

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

Ice Wedge

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

Mesh Input Parameters V3.0.2

General Description

Same as V03.0.1 using Polygon #06.

Material Ice Wedge

We want the top of the ice wedge to be at 50 cm depth (corresponds to the top of the inorganic layer).

Top of wedge starts at top of mineral layer (replaces cells only in materials 5 and 6)

Top wedge width (distance from polygon) is aprox 1.2

Depth from top of ice to tip is aprox 2.8

Outside Boundaries (Exodus side sets)

The side sets defined are top, bottom, and sides (corresponding to the 4 sectors within 45 degrees of each direction). The exodus file contains following surface facesets:

Faces 7 and 8 were introduced to V3.0.1

Output Mesh Description

Output is a stacked prism mesh written as two Exodus files; a single material mesh and a multi-material Mesh with 7 materials (6 layers plus the Ice Wedge). Files are written in formats; Exodus II (.exo), AVS (.inp), and GMV (.gmv)
Final Mesh files: mesh_fsets.exo, mesh_fsets.gmv, mesh_fsets.inp
Final Mesh with single material: mesh_fsets_1mat.exo, mesh_fsets_1mat.gmv, mesh_fsets_1mat.inp

Mesh Element Type:             prism
Mesh Software Used: LaGriT, ExodusII

Total nodes:       168489       
Total elements:    319488     
Total Volume:      0.1196474E+04      

from file write_exo.out.txt:
Mesh Extents (Meters):
        MIN              MAX             DIFFERENCE    
 x    1.178399963E+02  1.355899963E+02 1.775000000E+01     
 y    4.647000122E+01  6.374094009E+01 1.727093887E+01     
 z   -1.000000000E+00  4.837420940E+00 5.837420940E+00     

from file write_exo.out.txt:
Color    Num. Elements   Volume          Fractional Volume                    
    1        6656          0.4250232E+01     0.003552299
2 29952 0.3825209E+02 0.031970687
3 29952 0.3825219E+02 0.031970772
4 19968 0.2550139E+02 0.021313791
5 43224 0.6874194E+02 0.057453786
6 149993 0.8890656E+03 0.743071576
7/30 39743 0.1324103E+03 0.110667090 from file stack_full_poly.out.txt: SUMMARY ELEVATIONS at LAYER TOPS (METERS) MIN MAX DIFF MAX below (thickness) 1 4.429399967 4.837420940 .02 2 4.409399967 4.817420940 .18 3 4.229399967 4.637420940 .18 4 4.049399967 4.457420940 .12 5 3.929399967 4.337420940 .50 6 3.429399967 3.837420940 4.99 (Bottom is flat at -1.0)
Mesh Layer Definitions (meters)

ID Layer Name Layer
Vertical Cells
Min Top
Max Top
1 moss(top) 0.02 2 x .01 7.936425 4.50 4.99
2 upper organic 0.18 9 x .02 79.36425 4.48 4.97
3 upper mineral 0.18 9 x .02 71.42801 4.30 4.79
4 lower organic 0.12 6 x .02 47.61855 4.12 4.61
5 lower mineral 0.50 20 x .025 146.4469 4.00 4.49
6 deep mineral 2.2 -
50 x .09 1745.817 3.50 3.99
7/30 ice 0.00 -
variable 182.7924 4.49 4.00
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

Boundary Side Sets

purple side (ss_c_side) has 7 faces              black  top  (ss_c_top)  has 8 faces
Top and Bottom:
neon-pink  top    (num_side_ss2) has 3328 faces
neon-green bottom (num_side_ss1) has 3328 faces
red    east right  (num_side_ss3) has 3072 faces
yellow north back  (num_side_ss4) has 3072 faces
green  west left   (num_side_ss5) has 3072 faces
blue   south front (num_side_ss6) has 4608 faces
LaGriT Finite Element 
Mesh LaGriT Finite Element 
Element Mesh

Project Archive Location

Full Set of files:


tar file was not sent, but was created (*tgz):
-rw-r--r--  1 lucia  sft  108517232 Feb 24 16:03 mesh_fine_poly06_v03_0_2.tgz

Created from clean subdirectory with mesh files:
drwxr-xr-x   3 lucia  sft         8192 Feb 24 15:58 v3_1_p06

LaGriT faceset files with elem number and face (*.faceset):
-rw-r--r--  1 lucia  sft  40039 Feb 20 14:53 fs_1_bot.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 36711 Feb 20 14:53 fs_2_top.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 43111 Feb 20 14:53 fs_3_rig.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 40039 Feb 20 14:53 fs_4_bac.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 40039 Feb 20 14:53 fs_5_lef.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 64615 Feb 20 14:53 fs_6_fro.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 223 Feb 20 14:53 fs_7_Csides.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 224 Feb 20 14:53 fs_8_Ctop.faceset Mesh and faceset files for 6 Materials (mesh_fsets.*):
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 14436152 Feb 20 14:53 mesh_fsets.exo -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 25281128 Feb 20 14:53 mesh_fsets.gmv -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 47828381 Feb 20 14:53 mesh_fsets.inp Mesh and faceset files for 1 Material (mesh_fsets_1mat.*):
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 14434180 Feb 20 14:53 mesh_fsets_1mat.exo -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 23142288 Feb 20 14:53 mesh_fsets_1mat.gmv -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sft 47659892 Feb 20 14:53 mesh_fsets_1mat.inp LaGriT output files contain information reported during the run (*.out.txt):
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 4963 Nov 4 15:31 get_boundary_pts.out.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 4961 Nov 4 15:31 get_poly_surf.out.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 20419 Nov 4 15:32 interpolate_icewedge.out.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 105831 Nov 4 15:31 make_poly10006.out.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 5943 Nov 4 15:31 merge_ice.out.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 269338 Nov 4 15:31 stack_full_poly.out.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 105639 Nov 4 15:32 write_exo.out.txt Mesh images: /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/arctic_fine_v3_1_poly40/images

Input Data files:


 -rw-r--r--  2 lucia sftus 30928912 Apr 18 13:59 lidar_site3.inp
 -rw-r--r--  1 lucia sftus      123 Apr 18 13:59 poly10001.avs
 -rw-r--r--  1 lucia sftus      178 Apr 18 13:59 poly10002.avs 
 -rw-r--r--  1 lucia sftus      155 Apr 18 13:59 poly10071.avs
 -rw-r--r--  1 lucia sftus      190 Apr 18 13:59 poly10072.avs

Main Work Directory for Polygon Meshing Method:



Links to Images and Project Details

Gallery of All Project Images

Method Description Overview (from V01)

Input and Output Files Running LaGriT to create the Mesh

These are LaGriT input (.lgi) and output (outx3dgen) files used in creating this mesh. The output files provide good information about the data and mesh, including min and max values of mesh attributes.
The complete set of scripts and input files are in /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/arctic_fine_v3_1_poly06. The output files for various mesh versions are in /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/.

Step 1: Create Ice Object from Polygon (make_poly.lgi)     Input       Output

Step 2: Create and stack layers into full mesh (stack_full_poly.lgi)     Input       Output

Step 3: Interpolate Ice Material on to Full Stacked Mesh (interpolate_icewedge.lgi)     Input       Output

Step 4: Create facesets and write final Exodus files (write_exo.lgi)     Input       Output


Grid Team Contacts

Carl Gable <gable -at- lanl -dot- gov> 505-665-3533
Terry Miller <tamiller -at- lanl -dot- gov> 505-667-8009
Lucia Short <lucia -at- lanl -dot- gov> 505-665-7957