* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Program: LaGriT V3.400 Linux * * * date_compile: 2019/07/04 dev * * * Run Time: 2019/Oct 16 09:06:29 * * * Manual: http://lagrit.lanl.gov * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -----oOo----- LaGriT V3 LA-CC-15-069 https://github.com/lanl/LaGriT Copyright 2016. Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved. This program was produced under U.S. Government contract 89233218CNA000001 for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. All rights in the program are reserved by Triad National Security, LLC, and the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so. This software is open source and available under the BSD-3 License. -----oOo----- Output log file: lagrit.out Command log file: lagrit.log *--* LAGriT Example Input file *--* Carl Gable *--* gable -at- lanl -dot- gov *--* *--* *--* Create two quad surface that cross and then use math *--* functions to make the second surface z coordinate equal *--* to the first surface z coordinate where the second surface *--* is below the first surface. *--* Material 2 wins *--* Material 1 equal to Material 2 where it is lower. *--* *-------------------------------* * * Define parameter to be used later. * define/NX/200 define/NY/200 define/MIN/0.0 define/MAX/10.0 define/MAX/8.0 define/ZHIGH 2.5 define/ZLOW -2.0 * * Create the quad surfaces * cmo/create/cmo_1///quad quadxy NX NY/MIN MIN 0./MAX MIN 0./MAX MAX 0./MIN MAX 0. QUADXY GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 40000 rzbrick/xyz/NX,NY,1/1,0,0/connect Number of nodes: 40000 Number of elements: 39601 Number of negative volume elements: 0 Total volume: 0.640000000000E+02 define/NX/200 define/NY/200 define/MIN/2. define/MAX/12. define/MAX/10. cmo/create/cmo_2///quad quadxy NX NY/MIN MIN 0./MAX MIN 0./MAX MAX 0./MIN MAX 0. QUADXY GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 40000 rzbrick/xyz/NX,NY,1/1,0,0/connect Number of nodes: 40000 Number of elements: 39601 Number of negative volume elements: 0 Total volume: 0.640000000000E+02 * * Use the math command to set the z coordinates to: * * z(i)=sin(x(i)) * math/sin/cmo_1/zic/1,0,0/cmo_1/xic math/sin/cmo_2/zic/1,0,0/cmo_2/xic cmo select cmo_2 trans/1,0,0/zero cmo/addatt/cmo_2/transauto/VDOUBLE/scalar/vector/user/permanent/x/0.0 finish * * Set the itetclr and imt values of each surface to different values * cmo/setatt/cmo_1/imt/1 0 0/1 40000 values reset for attribute imt1 cmo/setatt/cmo_1/itetclr/1 0 0/1 39601 values reset for attribute itetclr cmo/setatt/cmo_2/imt/1 0 0/2 40000 values reset for attribute imt1 cmo/setatt/cmo_2/itetclr/1 0 0/2 39601 values reset for attribute itetclr * * Output surfaces for viewing * dump/gmv/quad1.gmv/cmo_1 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish dump/gmv/quad2.gmv/cmo_2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/cmo_1_2/cmo_1/cmo_2 dump/gmv/quad1_quad2.gmv/cmo_1_2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish * cmo/printatt/cmo_1/zic/minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH zic -9.999606495E-01 9.999956277E-01 1.999956277E+00 40000 cmo/printatt/cmo_2/zic/minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH zic 0.000000000E+00 1.999702950E+00 1.999702950E+00 40000 * * Add a floating point variable to store the difference between * the surfaces. * cmo/addatt/cmo_2/diff_1_2/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes * * Calculate the distance between the surfaces * math/sub/cmo_2/diff_1_2/1 0 0/cmo_1/zic/cmo_2/zic cmo/select/cmo_2 * * Create a point set which is all points with diff_1_2 less than zero. * pset/p_pos/attribute/diff_1_2/1 0 0/0.0/lt THE PSET p_pos HAS 28200 POINTS cmo/setatt/cmo_2/diff_1_2/pset get p_pos/0.0 28200 values reset for attribute diff_1_2 * * Add the difference between the surfaces to the second surface. * math/add/cmo_2/zic/1 0 0/cmo_2/zic/cmo_2/diff_1_2 * * * Output surfaces for viewing * cmo/printatt/cmo_1/zic/minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH zic -9.999606495E-01 9.999956277E-01 1.999956277E+00 40000 cmo/printatt/cmo_2/zic/minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH zic 7.230633577E-02 1.999702950E+00 1.927396614E+00 40000 * addmesh/merge/cmo_1_2_s/cmo_1/cmo_2 dump/gmv/quad1_quad2_s.gmv/cmo_1_2_s cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish LaGriT successfully completed