Example 2 Input

2           (number of dimensions)
3           (number of regions in axis x)
     0      (beginning coordinate of region 1, axis x)
     1      (end coordinate of region 1, axis x)
5           (number of divisions in region 1, axis x)
1           (type of spacing for region 1, axis x = equal)
     3      (end coordinate of region 2, axis x)
10          (number of divisions for region 2, axis x)
4           (type of spacing for region 2, axis x = logarithmic large to small)
     6      (end coordinate for region 3, axis x)
10          (number of divisions for region 3, axis x)
3           (type of spacing for region 3, axis x = logarithmic small to large)
3           (number of regions in axis y)
     0      (beginning coordinate of region 1, axis y)
     2      (end coordinate of region 1, axis y)
10          (number of divisions in region 1, axis y)
2           (type of spacing in region 1, axis y = geometric spacing)
     1.1    (geometric factor for geometric spacing)
     4      (end coordinate for region 2, axis y)
10          (number of divisions for region 2, axis y)
2           (type of spacing in region 2, axis y = geometric spacing)
     1.3    (geometric factor for geometric spacing in region 2)
     6      (end coordinate for region 3, axis y)
10          (number of divisions in region 3, axis y)
2           (type of spacing in region 3, axis y = geometric spacing)
     1.6    (geometric factor for geometric spacing in region 3, axis y)
1           (type of output = AVS format)

The last number in the list would be a 2 for Tracer3d format.  

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