May 1 2017 Mesh Directory /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/walkabout/test_slab_v01/EXO_output Dimensions 25 x 25 x 3 cells Cell size 4x4x1 Facesets: 1=bottom, 2=top,3=right,4=back,5=left,6=front Title: LAGRIT TO EXODUS number of dimension: 3 number of nodes: 2704 number of elements: 1875 number of element blocks: 3 number of side sets: 6 ATTRIBUTE MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+02 1.000000000E+02 2704 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+02 1.000000000E+02 2704 zic 0.000000000E+00 3.000000000E+00 3.000000000E+00 2704 SUMMARY VOLUME/AREA of ELEMENT BLOCKS Color Num. Elements Volume Fractional Volume 1 1650 0.2640000E+05 0.880000000 2 135 0.2160000E+04 0.072000000 3 90 0.1440000E+04 0.048000000 Total cells: 1875 Total Volume: 0.3000000E+05 Source Hex Mesh /scratch/ymp/gable/grid_gen/ufd/particle_tracking/mesh_w_barriers/ver_01_slab/hex_np26.gmv Based on demonstration problem in: Pathline tracing on fully unstructured control-volume grids SL Painter, CW Gable, S Kelkar Computational Geosciences, 1-10 17 2012