Input data and proccessing for meshing From: "Middleton, Richard" Subject: Smoothed DEM and slope Date: September 1, 2015 at 2:24:34 PM MDT To: "Miller, Terry Ann" Cc: "Coon, Ethan" Hi Terry, Attached are three new asci grids for: (1) DEM; (2) Slope; and (3) Soil depth. The previous DEM generated slopes up to 66 degrees. I believe we were looking for maximum slopes below something like 45 degrees. In order to do this I took the original DEM and average each cell's value over a 21-cell radius (42 m). The resultant slopes max out at 44.3 degrees. I also remade the soil depth layer since soil depth is related to slope which has now been smoothed. Let me know if the data is OK and if there is anything else I can do. Richard ---------------------- Work for Version 1 /scratch/tundra/tam/IDEAS/Jaramillo/data GIS_0728_2015 GIS_0731_2015 dem_surfs river_polys river_polys_smooth join_all_polys Methods for data processing in /scratch/sft/tam/IDEAS/East_River/dem_and_bndry Methods for polygons in /scratch/sft/tam/IDEAS/East_River/grids/subset_fork cp /scratch/sft/tam/IDEAS/East_River/dem_and_bndry/*lgi . cp /scratch/sft/tam/IDEAS/East_River/dem_and_bndry/*awk . PROCESS DATA into valid poly lines for use with LaGriT. sort, geniee, and triangulate will complain and not work if a line or polygon is not valid (duplicate points, out of order, overlapping lines, zero length lines, mis-connections Remove all the DOS CRLF line terminators dos2unix Jaramillo_boundary.txt dos2unix Channel_single_part_buffered.txt dos2unix dem.txt dos2unix Jaramillo_boundary_clipped.txt ln -s GIS_0731_2015/Jaramillo_boundary_clipped.txt bndry.txt awk -f xy2plylines_comma.awk bndry.txt > bndry_line_raw.inp Write polylines as sorted AVS line files These data are unfiltered, duplicate points, stair-stepped and line lengths from .01 to very large awk -f xy2plylines.awk channel_poly_1Mwide.txt > channel_line_raw.inp This line has connections across space that need to be disconnected Not easily done, points along left bottom fork are all jumbled Too messy to fix easily river_line.txt -> GIS_0728_2015/Channel_single_part.txt awk -f xy2plylines.awk river_line.txt > river_line_raw.inp Use multipart line Channel_multipart.txt This has only a few mis-connects easily fixed by hand Removed duplicates and zero length edges sort and geniee worked without complaint, so line is good cp river_line_sorted.inp into this directory for further work NOTE: per Ethan, boundary and river are clipped at Y = 3974822 after trans to zero Y = 1822. or 1821.9999 The river polygons will have to be adjusted to this new boundary. Start process over with Ethan's smooth version of River line. This will be very different from the jagged original. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create polygons for triangulation of DEM Work: /scratch/tundra/tam/IDEAS/Jaramillo/data/river_polys METHOD ----------------------------------------------------------- MAKE River Channel of constant width assume sorted valid river polyline STEP refine river line lagrit < refine_line.lgi cp outx3dgen refine_line.out.txt mv line_quad.inp river_quad.inp mv line_quad.gmv river_quad.gmv mv tmp_rm_octree.gmv river_quad_refined.gmv Create high res grid for computing and extracting iso lines. Spacing in path domain is .5m and 8m away from path domain Subset high res grid to compute area (8m distance from river path) Compute dfield, b_dist, f_dist and select iso where dfield <= dist lagrit < grid_w_iso.lgi Use this version for rivers with constant width lagrit < grid_w_iso2.lgi STEP Create nice polygon lines from iso surfaces lagrit < iso_to_poly.lgi this is checked with triangulation (ugly) STEP Resample polygon .5 line to chosen resolution (ie 6 m) Method A) python script to resample points at chosen distance edit to minedge of 6 iso_poly_bank.inp iso_poly_flood.inp Method B) massage to coarsen and extract new line lagrit < poly_bank_mass4.lgi