* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Program: LaGriT V3.200 Linux m64 * * * date_compile: 2016/10/25 Ubu gf * * * Run Time: 2017/Mar 22 11:38:53 * * * Manual: http://lagrit.lanl.gov * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -----oOo----- LaGriT V3 LA-CC-15-069 LaGriT Copyright: This program was prepared by Los Alamos National Security, LLC at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) under contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). All rights in the program are reserved by the DOE and Los Alamos National Security, LLC. Permission is granted to the public to copy and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the U.S. Government nor LANS makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of this software. -----oOo----- Output log file: outx3dgen Command log file: logx3dgen # modified to use top.inp already created # python generated script from Moulton mesh # 3 materials with 1m sublayers # modified to run outside of pylagrit # with checks and changes to workflow ##### STEP CREATE DEM and TOP SURFACE ####################### # this can be done once in DEM directory # SKIP THIS STEP and READ top.inp ############################################################ # define variables define DEBUG 0 define NX 144 define NY 167 define ZBOTTOM 2745. # these must be correct for median point check to work correctly # nnodes = 18-1 layers * top nodes, ncells = 18 layers * top cells define NLAYERS 18 define NNODES_TOP 21571 define NCELLS_TOP 10919 define NNODES 196542 define NCELLS 366707 read avs top.inp mo2 cmo/addatt/mo2/z_save/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo2/eselect/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo2/volcell/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish geniee finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo2 1 Mesh Object name: mo2 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish # FIX orientation upward if itetclr is 1 # This is not needed, as flip will flip only if needed # but will not flip upside down quads - bug # geniee/ mo2 /2dnormal/ -1 # REPORT surface stats boundary_components log/tty/off finish resetpts/itp geniee finish finish cmo/addatt/mo2/numbnd/vint/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/afgx/0/ finish cmo/addatt/mo2/id_numb/vint/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/afgx/0/ finish sort/-def-/index/-def-/ikey_tmp/numbnd cmo/addatt/mo2/ikey_tmp/vint/scalar/nnodes///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikey_tmp finish CONNECTED COMPONENTS: 1 different exterior boundary components Set# Representitive Node # # Nodes in Set (numbnd_e(node#) attribute) 1 8011 265 cmo/DELATT/mo2/ikey_tmp finish log/tty/on finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 4.8209858E-11 1.1204889E-31 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 11 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 21560 min aspect ratio = 0.3532E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.1000E+01 epsilonvol: 4.6303033E-08 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.3427E+00 and 0.7469E+00: 16571 element volumes b/w 0.7469E+00 and 0.1628E+01: 2452 element volumes b/w 0.1628E+01 and 0.3547E+01: 1252 element volumes b/w 0.3547E+01 and 0.7729E+01: 785 element volumes b/w 0.7729E+01 and 0.1684E+02: 511 min volume = 3.4273494E-01 max volume = 1.6841735E+01 ----------------------------------------------------------- 21571 total elements evaluated. cmo/printatt/mo2/-all-/minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH -def- 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 10919 scalar 1 1 0 1 vector 3 3 0 1 nnodes 10919 10919 0 1 nedges 0 0 0 1 nfaces 0 0 0 1 nelements 21571 21571 0 1 mbndry 16000000 16000000 0 1 ndimensions_topo 2 2 0 1 ndimensions_geom 3 3 0 1 nodes_per_element 3 3 0 1 edges_per_element 3 3 0 1 faces_per_element 3 3 0 1 isetwd 0 0 0 10919 ialias 0 0 0 10919 imt1 1 1 0 10919 itp1 0 10 10 10919 icr1 0 0 0 10919 isn1 0 0 0 10919 xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 10919 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 10919 zic 2.757967464E+03 2.766921875E+03 8.954410906E+00 10919 xtetwd 0 0 0 21571 itetclr 1 1 0 21571 itettyp 3 3 0 21571 itetoff 0 64710 64710 21571 jtetoff 0 64710 64710 21571 itet 1 10919 10918 21571x3 jtet 1 16000000 15999999 21571x3 epsilon 1.000000004E-15 1.000000004E-15 0.000000000E+00 1 epsilonl 4.820985780E-11 4.820985780E-11 0.000000000E+00 1 epsilona 1.046722297E-08 1.046722297E-08 0.000000000E+00 1 epsilonv 4.630303278E-08 4.630303278E-08 0.000000000E+00 1 ipointi 1 1 0 1 ipointj 10919 10919 0 1 idebug 0 0 0 1 itypconv_sm 1 1 0 1 maxiter_sm 25 25 0 1 tolconv_sm 1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1 nnfreq 1 1 0 1 ivoronoi 1 1 0 1 iopt2to2 2 2 0 1 xmin 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1 ymin 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1 zmin 2.757967464E+03 2.757967464E+03 0.000000000E+00 1 xmax 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 0.000000000E+00 1 ymax 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 0.000000000E+00 1 zmax 2.766921875E+03 2.766921875E+03 0.000000000E+00 1 kdtree_level 0 0 0 1 max_number_sets 64 64 0 1 number_of_psets 0 0 0 1 number_of_eltsets 0 0 0 1 number_of_fsets 0 0 0 1 z_save 2.757967464E+03 2.766921875E+03 8.954410910E+00 10919 eselect 0.000000000E+00 3.000000000E+00 3.000000000E+00 21571 volcell 3.427349362E-01 1.684173547E+01 1.649900053E+01 21571 numbnd 0 8011 8011 10919 id_numb 0 1 1 10919 quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 4.8209858E-11 1.1204889E-31 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 11 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 21560 min aspect ratio = 0.3532E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.1000E+01 epsilonvol: 4.6303033E-08 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.3427E+00 and 0.7469E+00: 16571 element volumes b/w 0.7469E+00 and 0.1628E+01: 2452 element volumes b/w 0.1628E+01 and 0.3547E+01: 1252 element volumes b/w 0.3547E+01 and 0.7729E+01: 785 element volumes b/w 0.7729E+01 and 0.1684E+02: 511 min volume = 3.4273494E-01 max volume = 1.6841735E+01 ----------------------------------------------------------- 21571 total elements evaluated. dump gmv tri_attributes.gmv mo2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish # clean mo and remove extra attributes cmo/setatt/mo2/itetclr 1 21571 values reset for attribute itetclr cmo/DELATT/mo2/numbnd cmo/DELATT/mo2/id_numb resetpts itp geniee finish ##### DONE CREATE DEM and TOP SURFACE ####################### # CREATE LAYERS TRANSLATED DOWN cmo select mo2 dump/top.inp/mo2 dump/avs/top.inp/mo2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish cmo printatt mo2 -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 10919 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 10919 zic 2.757967464E+03 2.766921875E+03 8.954410906E+00 10919 cmo select mo2 math/sub/mo2/zic/1,0,0/mo2/zic/1.0 dump/layer1.inp/mo2 dump/avs/layer1.inp/mo2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish cmo printatt mo2 -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 10919 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 10919 zic 2.756967464E+03 2.765921875E+03 8.954410906E+00 10919 cmo select mo2 math/sub/mo2/zic/1,0,0/mo2/zic/9.0 dump/layer2.inp/mo2 dump/avs/layer2.inp/mo2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish cmo printatt mo2 -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 10919 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 10919 zic 2.747967464E+03 2.756921875E+03 8.954410906E+00 10919 cmo setatt mo2 zic ZBOTTOM 10919 values reset for attribute zic dump/bot_flat.inp/mo2 dump/avs/bot_flat.inp/mo2 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish cmo printatt mo2 -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 10919 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 10919 zic 2.745000000E+03 2.745000000E+03 0.000000000E+00 10919 # remove mo cmo delete mo2 Released Mesh Object: mo2 # STACK LAYERS cmo/create/mo3 cmo select mo3 # set debug define DEBUG 1 cmo/setatt/mo3/idebug/DEBUG npoints = 0 in subroutine cmo_setatt Warning: nelements = 0 1 values reset for attribute idebug stack/layers/avs/bot_flat.inp 3 layer2.inp 2,6 layer1.inp 1,8 top.inp 1,0/flip Running in DEBUG mode. 1 Layers to create: 18 Max material number: 1 Reading 4 surface files... cmo/addatt/mo3/layertyp/VINT/scalar/nnodes//permanent/agfx finish Read first surface: bot_flat.inp read/avs/bot_flat.inp/def1 cmo/addatt/def1/z_save/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def1/eselect/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def1/volcell/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish geniee finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: def1 1 Mesh Object name: mo3 number of nodes = 0 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: def1 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish finish --- surface cmo 2----------------------------- Read surface: layer2.inp read/avs/layer2.inp/def2 cmo/addatt/def2/z_save/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def2/eselect/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def2/volcell/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish geniee finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: def2 1 Mesh Object name: mo3 number of nodes = 0 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: def1 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: cmoprev number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 4 Mesh Object name: def2 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish finish Unit cmo 1 of 7 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/1.428571E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 6.4270233E-01 New height: min/max 4.2392331E-01 1.7031245E+00 Old height: min/max 2.9674641E+00 1.1921875E+01 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: bot_flat.inp and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/def1/cmonxt/ searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 finish Unit cmo 2 of 7 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/2.857143E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 1.2854051E+00 New height: min/max 8.4784693E-01 3.4062502E+00 Old height: min/max 2.9674641E+00 1.1921875E+01 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 3 of 7 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/4.285715E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 1.9281079E+00 New height: min/max 1.2717705E+00 5.1093759E+00 Old height: min/max 2.9674641E+00 1.1921875E+01 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 4 of 7 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/5.714286E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 2.5708102E+00 New height: min/max 1.6956939E+00 6.8125003E+00 Old height: min/max 2.9674641E+00 1.1921875E+01 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 5 of 7 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/7.142857E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 3.2135126E+00 New height: min/max 2.1196172E+00 8.5156248E+00 Old height: min/max 2.9674641E+00 1.1921875E+01 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 6 of 7 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/8.571429E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 3.8562153E+00 New height: min/max 2.5435408E+00 1.0218751E+01 Old height: min/max 2.9674641E+00 1.1921875E+01 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 7 of 7 type: 0 Released Mesh Object: cmonxt cmo/delete/def2/ Released Mesh Object: def2 finish Layers compared: refine and layer2.inp cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish --- surface cmo 3----------------------------- Released Mesh Object: def1 cmo/delete/cmonxt/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Read surface: layer1.inp read/avs/layer1.inp/def2 cmo/addatt/def2/z_save/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def2/eselect/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def2/volcell/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish geniee finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: def2 1 Mesh Object name: cmoprev number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo3 number of nodes = 87352 number of elements = 172568 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: def1 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 4 Mesh Object name: def2 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish finish Unit cmo 1 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/1.111111E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 9.9999990E-01 New height: min/max 9.9999990E-01 9.9999990E-01 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: layer2.inp and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 2 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/2.222222E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 1.9999998E+00 New height: min/max 1.9999998E+00 1.9999998E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 3 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/3.333333E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 2.9999997E+00 New height: min/max 2.9999997E+00 2.9999997E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 4 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/4.444444E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 3.9999996E+00 New height: min/max 3.9999996E+00 3.9999996E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 5 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/5.555556E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 5.0000004E+00 New height: min/max 5.0000004E+00 5.0000004E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 6 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/6.666667E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 6.0000003E+00 New height: min/max 6.0000003E+00 6.0000003E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 7 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/7.777778E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 7.0000002E+00 New height: min/max 7.0000002E+00 7.0000002E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 8 of 9 type: 2 trilayer/derive/proportional/cmonxt/def1/def2/8.888889E-01/ cmo/copy/cmonxt/def2/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Created new trilayer with average distance of 8.0000001E+00 New height: min/max 8.0000001E+00 8.0000001E+00 Old height: min/max 9.0000000E+00 9.0000000E+00 finish cmo/copyatt/cmonxt/def1/itetclr/itetclr/ 21571 copied from def1 itetclr to -> cmonxt itetclr finish Layers compared: refine and refine cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish Unit cmo 9 of 9 type: 0 Released Mesh Object: cmonxt cmo/delete/def2/ Released Mesh Object: def2 finish Layers compared: refine and layer1.inp cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish --- surface cmo 4----------------------------- Released Mesh Object: def1 cmo/delete/cmonxt/ Released Mesh Object: cmonxt finish Read surface: top.inp read/avs/top.inp/def2 cmo/addatt/def2/z_save/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def2/eselect/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish cmo/addatt/def2/volcell/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent/gxaf/0.0 finish geniee finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: def2 1 Mesh Object name: cmoprev number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo3 number of nodes = 185623 number of elements = 366707 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: def1 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 4 Mesh Object name: def2 number of nodes = 10919 number of elements = 21571 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish finish Unit cmo 1 of 1 type: 0 cmo/delete/def2/ Released Mesh Object: def2 finish Layers compared: layer1.inp and top.inp cmo/delete/cmoprev/ Released Mesh Object: cmoprev finish cmo/copy/cmoprev/cmonxt/ finish addmesh/merge/mo3/mo3/cmonxt/ cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/mo3 finish searching for mo3 attributes in cmonxt attribute not found: 66 layertyp ADDMESH: 1 attributes not copied from cmonxt to mo3 cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish finish ................................................................ surface name layer color type llcorner zic bot_flat.inp 1 3 -1 1) 2.745000E+03 refine 2 3 2 10920) 2.745724E+03 refine 3 3 2 21839) 2.746449E+03 refine 4 3 2 32758) 2.747173E+03 refine 5 3 2 43677) 2.747898E+03 refine 6 3 2 54596) 2.748622E+03 refine 7 3 2 65515) 2.749347E+03 layer2.inp 8 2 0 76434) 2.750071E+03 refine 9 2 2 87353) 2.751071E+03 refine 10 2 2 98272) 2.752071E+03 refine 11 2 2 109191) 2.753071E+03 refine 12 2 2 120110) 2.754071E+03 refine 13 2 2 131029) 2.755071E+03 refine 14 2 2 141948) 2.756071E+03 refine 15 2 2 152867) 2.757071E+03 refine 16 2 2 163786) 2.758071E+03 layer1.inp 17 1 0 174705) 2.759071E+03 top.inp 18 1 -2 185624) 2.760071E+03 Elements per layer: 21571 stacked total: 388278 Nodes per layer: 10919 stacked total: 196542 No Truncating layer specified. files read: 4 from total: 4 ................................................................ cmo/addatt/mo3/nlayers/INT/scalar/scalar/constant// finish cmo/addatt/mo3/nnperlayer/INT/scalar/scalar/constant// finish cmo/addatt/mo3/neperlayer/INT/scalar/scalar/constant// finish cmo/setatt/mo3/nlayers 18 1 values reset for attribute nlayers finish cmo/setatt/mo3/nnperlayer 10919 1 values reset for attribute nnperlayer finish cmo/setatt/mo3/neperlayer 21571 1 values reset for attribute neperlayer finish Released Mesh Object: def1 Released Mesh Object: cmonxt Released Mesh Object: cmoprev stack done. dump gmv tmp_layers.gmv mo3 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish # fill volumes with hex or prism elements stack/fill/mo4/mo3 cmo/copy/mo4/mo3/ finish geniee finish cmo delete mo3 Released Mesh Object: mo3 cmo select mo4 resetpts/itp geniee finish # quality cmo/addatt/mo4/volume/cell_vol ADDATT/volume: creating new attribute: cell_vol epsilon area: 1.0556127E-08 epsilon vol: 1.1335746E-07 cmo/printatt/mo4/volume minmax cannot attribute volume in mo4 dump gmv tmp_stack_volume.gmv mo4 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo DELATT mo4 cell_vol # FIX so MO has same numbering as exodus mesh # use sort to order element blocks as exodus will order # if this is not done, lagrit faceset numbers will not # correlate to exodus faceset numbers # itetclr must be ordered correctly # sort based on element itetclr number and median location # save median points to check they are inside mesh cmo status mo4 brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo4 1 Mesh Object name: mo4 number of nodes = 196542 number of elements = 366707 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = pri dimensions topology = 3 6 nodes 5 faces 9 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active cmo select mo4 createpts/median cmo/addatt//xmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//ymed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//zmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish sort/mo4/index/ascending/ikey/itetclr xmed ymed zmed cmo/addatt/mo4/ikey/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikey reorder/mo4/ikey geniee finish cmo/DELATT/mo4/ikey # CHECK that cell median points are inside the mesh cmo/create/mopts/NCELLS//pnt cmo/copyatt/mopts mo4/xic xmed Warning: nelements = 0 in cmo mopts Error from: WARNING:copy element att into node att cmo_copyatt sink elements and source nodes are equal length: ***** 366707 copied from mo4 xmed to -> mopts xic cmo/copyatt/mopts mo4/yic ymed Warning: nelements = 0 in cmo mopts Error from: WARNING:copy element att into node att cmo_copyatt sink elements and source nodes are equal length: ***** 366707 copied from mo4 ymed to -> mopts yic cmo/copyatt/mopts mo4/zic zmed Warning: nelements = 0 in cmo mopts Error from: WARNING:copy element att into node att cmo_copyatt sink elements and source nodes are equal length: ***** 366707 copied from mo4 zmed to -> mopts zic interpolate/map/mopts imt/1,0,0/mo4 itetclr nodes in indexed point set = 366707 INTRP METHOD: map FUNCTION: user TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.400000000000E+01 cmo select mo4 finish cmo kdtree build cmo/addatt//v2/INT/scalar/scalar/constant/temporary//2.0 finish cmo/addatt//linkt/VINT/v2/nelements//temporary/x/0.0 finish cmo/addatt//v12/INT/scalar/scalar/constant/temporary//12.0 finish cmo/addatt//sbox/VDOUBLE/v12/nelements/linear/temporary/x/0.0 finish finish Sink point Elems Searched Elements Found Percent Done 18336 18336 18336 5 % 36671 36671 36671 10 % 55006 55006 55006 15 % 73341 73341 73341 20 % 91676 91676 91676 25 % 110011 110011 110011 30 % 128346 128346 128346 35 % 146681 146681 146681 40 % 165016 165016 165016 45 % 183351 183351 183351 50 % 201686 201686 201686 55 % 220021 220021 220021 60 % 238356 238356 238356 65 % 256691 256691 256691 70 % 275026 275026 275026 75 % 293361 293361 293361 80 % 311696 311696 311696 85 % 330031 330031 330031 90 % 348366 348366 348366 95 % 366701 366701 366701 100 % 366707 366707 366707 Total cmo select mopts finish intrp/map done. cmo kdtree release cmo/DELATT/mo4/sbox finish cmo/DELATT/mo4/v12 finish cmo/DELATT/mo4/linkt finish cmo/DELATT/mo4/v2 finish finish dump/gmv/median_pts.gmv mopts cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/addatt/mo4/med_mat/VINT/scalar/nelements cmo/copyatt/mo4 mopts/med_mat imt Warning: nelements = 0 in cmo mopts Error from: WARNING:copy node att into elem att cmo_copyatt sink elements and source nodes are equal length: ***** 366707 copied from mopts imt1 to -> mo4 med_mat cmo/printatt/mopts/imt minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH imt1 1 3 2 366707 cmo/delete/mopts Released Mesh Object: mopts cmo/select/mo4 # get outside surface mesh extract/surfmesh/1,0,0/mo5/mo4/external cmo/addatt/mo5/itetclr0/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/itetclr1/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/idnode0/vint/scalar/nnodes////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/idelem0/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/idelem1/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/facecol/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/idface0/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/idface1/vint/scalar/nelements////0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/layertyp/VINT/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/agfx finish cmo/addatt/mo5/ncon50/int/scalar/scalar/constant/permanent/x/0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/nconbnd/int/scalar/scalar/constant/permanent/x/0 finish cmo/addatt/mo5/icontab/vint/scalar/ncon50/constant/permanent/x/0 finish resetpts/itp geniee finish finish cmo select mo5 cmo/addatt/mo5/id_side/vint/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent//0.0 cmo select mo5 settets/normal assign_color_normal epsilon for zero: 1.0000000E-15 26076 out of 47647 element colors changed. cmo select mo5 cmo/copyatt/mo5/mo5/id_side/itetclr 47647 copied from mo5 itetclr to -> mo5 id_side dump gmv tmp_surf_normal.gmv mo5 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish # set facesets cmo select mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo5/id_side cmo select mo5 pset/p1/attribute/layertyp/1,0,0/-1/eq THE PSET p1 HAS 10919 POINTS cmo select mo5 eltset/e1/exclusive/pset/get/p1 THE ELTSET e1 HAS 21571 ELEMENTS cmo/copy/mo_tmp1/mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr1 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/facecol cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idface0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idelem0 eltset/eall/itetclr/ge/0 THE ELTSET eall HAS 47647 ELEMENTS eltset/edel/not eall e1 THE ELTSET edel HAS 26076 ELEMENTS rmpoint/element/eltset get edel Dudded 15159 points plus parents, and 26076 elements removed. rmpoint/compress 15159 points removed and 0 elements removed. The new point count is 10919. The new element count is 21571. dump/avs2/faceset_bounds_bottom.avs/mo_tmp1/0 0 0 2 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_points= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_elements= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_node= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_elem= 2 WARNING: dump/avs will produce non-standard AVS output that WARNING: read/avs may not be able to read. cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/moall moall mo_tmp1 cmo/copy/moall/mo_tmp1 finish cmo/delete/mo_tmp1 Released Mesh Object: mo_tmp1 cmo select mo5 pset/p2/attribute/layertyp/1,0,0/-2/eq THE PSET p2 HAS 10919 POINTS cmo select mo5 eltset/e2/exclusive/pset/get/p2 THE ELTSET e2 HAS 21571 ELEMENTS cmo/copy/mo_tmp1/mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr1 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/facecol cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idface0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idelem0 eltset/eall/itetclr/ge/0 THE ELTSET eall HAS 47647 ELEMENTS eltset/edel/not eall e2 THE ELTSET edel HAS 26076 ELEMENTS rmpoint/element/eltset get edel Dudded 15159 points plus parents, and 26076 elements removed. rmpoint/compress 15159 points removed and 0 elements removed. The new point count is 10919. The new element count is 21571. dump/avs2/faceset_bounds_top.avs/mo_tmp1/0 0 0 2 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_points= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_elements= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_node= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_elem= 2 WARNING: dump/avs will produce non-standard AVS output that WARNING: read/avs may not be able to read. cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish dump gmv tmp_top.gmv mo_tmp1 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/moall moall mo_tmp1 cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/moall finish cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish dump gmv merge_facesets.gmv moall cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_tmp1 Released Mesh Object: mo_tmp1 cmo select mo5 eltset/e3/itetclr/eq/3 THE ELTSET e3 HAS 1411 ELEMENTS cmo/copy/mo_tmp1/mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr1 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/facecol cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idface0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idelem0 eltset/eall/itetclr/ge/0 THE ELTSET eall HAS 47647 ELEMENTS eltset/edel/not eall e3 THE ELTSET edel HAS 46236 ELEMENTS rmpoint/element/eltset get edel Dudded 24566 points plus parents, and 46236 elements removed. rmpoint/compress 24566 points removed and 0 elements removed. The new point count is 1512. The new element count is 1411. dump/avs2/faceset_bounds_right.avs/mo_tmp1/0 0 0 2 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_points= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_elements= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_node= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_elem= 2 WARNING: dump/avs will produce non-standard AVS output that WARNING: read/avs may not be able to read. cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/moall moall mo_tmp1 cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/moall finish cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish dump gmv merge_facesets.gmv moall cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_tmp1 Released Mesh Object: mo_tmp1 cmo select mo5 eltset/e4/itetclr/eq/4 THE ELTSET e4 HAS 1734 ELEMENTS cmo/copy/mo_tmp1/mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr1 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/facecol cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idface0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idelem0 eltset/eall/itetclr/ge/0 THE ELTSET eall HAS 47647 ELEMENTS eltset/edel/not eall e4 THE ELTSET edel HAS 45913 ELEMENTS rmpoint/element/eltset get edel Dudded 24224 points plus parents, and 45913 elements removed. rmpoint/compress 24224 points removed and 0 elements removed. The new point count is 1854. The new element count is 1734. dump/avs2/faceset_bounds_back.avs/mo_tmp1/0 0 0 2 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_points= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_elements= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_node= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_elem= 2 WARNING: dump/avs will produce non-standard AVS output that WARNING: read/avs may not be able to read. cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/moall moall mo_tmp1 cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/moall finish cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish dump gmv merge_facesets.gmv moall cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_tmp1 Released Mesh Object: mo_tmp1 cmo select mo5 eltset/e5/itetclr/eq/5 THE ELTSET e5 HAS 595 ELEMENTS cmo/copy/mo_tmp1/mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr1 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/facecol cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idface0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idelem0 eltset/eall/itetclr/ge/0 THE ELTSET eall HAS 47647 ELEMENTS eltset/edel/not eall e5 THE ELTSET edel HAS 47052 ELEMENTS rmpoint/element/eltset get edel Dudded 25430 points plus parents, and 47052 elements removed. rmpoint/compress 25430 points removed and 0 elements removed. The new point count is 648. The new element count is 595. dump/avs2/faceset_bounds_left.avs/mo_tmp1/0 0 0 2 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_points= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_elements= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_node= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_elem= 2 WARNING: dump/avs will produce non-standard AVS output that WARNING: read/avs may not be able to read. cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/moall moall mo_tmp1 cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/moall finish cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish dump gmv merge_facesets.gmv moall cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_tmp1 Released Mesh Object: mo_tmp1 cmo select mo5 eltset/e6/itetclr/eq/6 THE ELTSET e6 HAS 765 ELEMENTS cmo/copy/mo_tmp1/mo5 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/itetclr1 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/facecol cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idface0 cmo/DELATT/mo_tmp1/idelem0 eltset/eall/itetclr/ge/0 THE ELTSET eall HAS 47647 ELEMENTS eltset/edel/not eall e6 THE ELTSET edel HAS 46882 ELEMENTS rmpoint/element/eltset get edel Dudded 25250 points plus parents, and 46882 elements removed. rmpoint/compress 25250 points removed and 0 elements removed. The new point count is 828. The new element count is 765. dump/avs2/faceset_bounds_front.avs/mo_tmp1/0 0 0 2 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_points= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_elements= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_node= 0 WARNING: dump/avs iopt_values_elem= 2 WARNING: dump/avs will produce non-standard AVS output that WARNING: read/avs may not be able to read. cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish addmesh/merge/moall moall mo_tmp1 cmo/move/-tmp_source_internal-/moall finish cmo/delete/-tmp_source_internal-/ Released Mesh Object: -tmp_source_internal- finish dump gmv merge_facesets.gmv moall cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/moall Released Mesh Object: moall cmo/delete/mo_tmp1 Released Mesh Object: mo_tmp1 cmo select mo4 # write exodus with faceset files dump/exo/prism.exo/mo4///facesets faceset_bounds_bottom.avs faceset_bounds_top.a vs faceset_bounds_right.avs faceset_bounds_back.avs faceset_bounds_left.avs face set_bounds_front.avs ExodusII: Start writing to file: prism.exo using cmo: mo4 cmo/set_id/mo4/element/e_num_temp cmo/addatt/mo4 e_num_temp/VINT/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent//0 finish finish sort/mo4/index/ascending/ikey_utr/itetclr/e_num_temp cmo/addatt/mo4/ikey_utr/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikey_utr finish cmo/DELATT/mo4/e_num_temp finish cmo/modatt/mo4/itetclr/ioflag/lga finish INITIALIZE exodus Title: LAGRIT TO EXODUS number of dimension: 3 number of nodes: 196542 number of elements: 366707 number of edges: 0 number of edge blocks: 0 number of element blocks: 3 number of face blocks: 0 number of node sets: 0 number of edge sets: 3 number of element sets: 0 number of side sets: 6 number of face sets: 0 number of node maps: 0 number of edge maps: 0 number of face maps: 0 number of element maps: 0 cmo/modatt/mo4/itetclr/ioflag/l finish ExodusII: Done writing to ExodusII file: prism.exo using cmo: mo4 # write sorted mesh with attributes in gmv and avs format # gmv will have facesets, AVS does not cmo setatt mo4 ipolydat no 1 values reset for attribute ipolydat cmo/DELATT/mo4 ikey_utr cmo/addatt/mo4/volume/cell_vol ADDATT/volume: creating new attribute: cell_vol epsilon area: 1.0556127E-08 epsilon vol: 1.1335746E-07 dump avs prism.inp mo4 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish dump gmv prism.gmv mo4 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish # report mesh stats cmo/status/mo4 The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo4 1 Mesh Object name: mo4 number of nodes = 196542 number of elements = 366707 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = pri dimensions topology = 3 6 nodes 5 faces 9 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active NAME TYPE RANK LENGTH INTER PERSI IO VALUE 1 -def- VDOU scalar nnodes linea tempo x 0.000E+00 2 scalar INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 3 vector INT scalar scalar const perma l 3.000E+00 4 nnodes INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.965E+05 5 nedges INT scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 6 nfaces INT scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 7 nelements INT scalar scalar const perma l 3.667E+05 8 mbndry INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.600E+07 9 ndimensions_top INT scalar scalar const perma l 3.000E+00 10 ndimensions_geo INT scalar scalar const perma l 3.000E+00 11 nodes_per_eleme INT scalar scalar const perma l 6.000E+00 12 edges_per_eleme INT scalar scalar const perma l 9.000E+00 13 faces_per_eleme INT scalar scalar const perma l 5.000E+00 14 isetwd VDOU scalar nnodes or perma l 0.000E+00 15 ialias VINT scalar nnodes seque perma l 0.000E+00 16 imt1 VINT scalar nnodes max perma gal 0.000E+00 17 itp1 VINT scalar nnodes min perma gal 0.000E+00 18 icr1 VINT scalar nnodes min perma gal 0.000E+00 19 isn1 VINT scalar nnodes user perma gal 0.000E+00 20 xic VDOU scalar nnodes linea perma l 0.000E+00 21 yic VDOU scalar nnodes linea perma l 0.000E+00 22 zic VDOU scalar nnodes linea perma l 0.000E+00 23 xtetwd VDOU scalar nelements or perma l 0.000E+00 24 itetclr VINT scalar nelements user perma l 0.000E+00 25 itettyp VINT scalar nelements user perma l 0.000E+00 26 itetoff VINT scalar nelements user perma l 0.000E+00 27 jtetoff VINT scalar nelements user perma l 0.000E+00 28 itet VINT nodes_per_ nelements user perma l 0.000E+00 29 jtet VINT faces_per_ nelements user perma l 0.000E+00 30 ipolydat CHAR scalar scalar const perma l no 31 vor2d CHAR scalar scalar const perma l yes 32 vor3d CHAR scalar scalar const perma l no 33 epsilon REAL scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E-15 34 epsilonl REAL scalar scalar const perma l 4.841E-11 35 epsilona REAL scalar scalar const perma l 1.056E-08 36 epsilonv REAL scalar scalar const perma l 1.134E-07 37 ipointi INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 38 ipointj INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.965E+05 39 idebug INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 40 itypconv_sm INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 41 maxiter_sm INT scalar scalar const perma l 2.500E+01 42 tolconv_sm REAL scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 43 nnfreq INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 44 ivoronoi INT scalar scalar const perma l 1.000E+00 45 iopt2to2 INT scalar scalar const perma l 2.000E+00 46 dumptype CHAR scalar scalar const perma l binary 47 velname CHAR scalar scalar const perma l vels 48 densname CHAR scalar scalar const perma l ric 49 presname CHAR scalar scalar const perma l pic 50 enername CHAR scalar scalar const perma l eic 51 xmin REAL scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 52 ymin REAL scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 53 zmin REAL scalar scalar const perma l 2.745E+03 54 xmax REAL scalar scalar const perma l 1.420E+02 55 ymax REAL scalar scalar const perma l 1.640E+02 56 zmax REAL scalar scalar const perma l 2.767E+03 57 kdtree_level INT scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 58 max_number_sets INT scalar scalar const perma l 6.400E+01 59 number_of_psets INT scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 60 number_of_eltse INT scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 61 psetnames VCHA scalar max_number_sets const perma l 62 eltsetnames VCHA scalar max_number_sets const perma l 63 geom_name CHAR scalar max_number_sets const perma l -defaultge 64 fsetnames VCHA scalar max_number_sets const perma l 65 number_of_fsets INT scalar scalar const perma l 0.000E+00 66 layertyp VINT scalar nnodes linea perma agf 8.000E+00 67 nlayers INT scalar scalar const tempo agl 1.800E+01 68 nnperlayer INT scalar scalar const tempo agl 1.092E+04 69 neperlayer INT scalar scalar const tempo agl 2.157E+04 70 xmed VDOU scalar nelements linea tempo gal 0.000E+00 71 ymed VDOU scalar nelements linea tempo gal 0.000E+00 72 zmed VDOU scalar nelements linea tempo gal 0.000E+00 73 med_mat VINT scalar nelements linea tempo agl 0.000E+00 74 cell_vol VDOU scalar nelements linea tempo agl 0.000E+00 cmo/printatt/mo4/-all- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH -def- 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 196542 scalar 1 1 0 1 vector 3 3 0 1 nnodes 196542 196542 0 1 nedges 0 0 0 1 nfaces 0 0 0 1 nelements 366707 366707 0 1 mbndry 16000000 16000000 0 1 ndimensions_topo 3 3 0 1 ndimensions_geom 3 3 0 1 nodes_per_element 6 6 0 1 edges_per_element 9 9 0 1 faces_per_element 5 5 0 1 isetwd 0 0 0 196542 ialias 0 185623 185623 196542 imt1 1 3 2 196542 itp1 0 12 12 196542 icr1 0 0 0 196542 isn1 0 0 0 196542 xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 196542 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 196542 zic 2.745000000E+03 2.766921875E+03 2.192187500E+01 196542 xtetwd 0 0 0 366707 itetclr 1 3 2 366707 itettyp 7 7 0 366707 itetoff 0 2200236 2200236 366707 jtetoff 0 1833530 1833530 366707 itet 1 196542 196541 366707x6 jtet 3 17833532 17833529 366707x5 epsilon 1.000000004E-15 1.000000004E-15 0.000000000E+00 1 epsilonl 4.841416114E-11 4.841416114E-11 0.000000000E+00 1 epsilona 1.055612677E-08 1.055612677E-08 0.000000000E+00 1 epsilonv 1.133574623E-07 1.133574623E-07 0.000000000E+00 1 ipointi 1 1 0 1 ipointj 196542 196542 0 1 idebug 1 1 0 1 itypconv_sm 1 1 0 1 maxiter_sm 25 25 0 1 tolconv_sm 1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1 nnfreq 1 1 0 1 ivoronoi 1 1 0 1 iopt2to2 2 2 0 1 xmin 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1 ymin 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1 zmin 2.745000000E+03 2.745000000E+03 0.000000000E+00 1 xmax 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 0.000000000E+00 1 ymax 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 0.000000000E+00 1 zmax 2.766921875E+03 2.766921875E+03 0.000000000E+00 1 kdtree_level 0 0 0 1 max_number_sets 64 64 0 1 number_of_psets 0 0 0 1 number_of_eltsets 0 0 0 1 number_of_fsets 0 0 0 1 layertyp -2 2 4 196542 nlayers 18 18 0 1 nnperlayer 10919 10919 0 1 neperlayer 21571 21571 0 1 xmed 7.931875587E-01 1.417496033E+02 1.409564157E+02 366707 ymed 2.858874798E-01 1.637393036E+02 1.634534161E+02 366707 zmed 2.745212402E+03 2.766418213E+03 2.120581055E+01 366707 med_mat 1 3 2 366707 cell_vol 1.649366972E-01 1.683724622E+01 1.667230952E+01 366707 cmo/printatt/mo4/-xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.420000000E+02 1.420000000E+02 196542 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.640000000E+02 1.640000000E+02 196542 zic 2.745000000E+03 2.766921875E+03 2.192187500E+01 196542 cmo/printatt/mo4/itetclr minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH itetclr 1 3 2 366707 cmo/printatt/mo4/med_mat minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH med_mat 1 3 2 366707 cmo/printatt/mo4/cell_vol minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH cell_vol 1.649366972E-01 1.683724622E+01 1.667230952E+01 366707 finish LaGriT successfully completed