Version 01 mesh for Rainier Mesa Western Slice C This version has nodes added at either side of material interfaces to create conforming voronoi volumes The edge lengths across the interfaces are 10 meters Extract hex chunks to view EW slices A thru E /scratch/nts/tam/rainier_mesa/HSU_basecase_Western/hex_merge_slices slice C along y= 4116000 meters flat bottom at 1300 meter near the watertable lower left corner is translated from 566700, 4116000 to 0,0 ---****--- fehm files (version 01) /scratch/nts/tam/rainier_mesa/HSU_basecase_Western/fehm_2D_slice_C_v01 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 4037691 Nov 4 15:58 2D_mesh.fehmn -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 327349 Nov 4 15:58 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 152660 Nov 4 15:58 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 11651 Nov 4 15:58 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 66724 Nov 4 15:58 2D_mesh_outside.area -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 9872645 Nov 4 15:58 2D_mesh.stor list of V01 nodes to nearest V00 node id and x,z coordinates -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 3031898 Nov 5 11:52 2D_v01_to_v00_pts.dat list of V00 nodes to nearest V01 node id and x,z coordinates -rw-r--r-- 1 tam pf 1897760 Nov 5 08:06 2D_v00_to_v01_pts.dat Number of nodes 29724 Number of triangles 58401 Edge lengths up to 10 meters in upper layers Edge lengths up to 20 meters in lower and eastern layers *********dump_material_lists******** Minimum material ID value = 4 Maximum material ID value = 24 Total possible materials = 21 Material 4 has 1442 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.485129861391E-01 No nodes found in material = 5 Material 6 has 6478 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.217938366303 Material 7 has 1467 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.493540573274E-01 Material 8 has 619 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.208249226215E-01 No nodes found in material = 9 No nodes found in material = 10 Material 11 has 1582 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.532229847934E-01 Material 12 has 5975 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.201016013995 Material 13 has 3839 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.129154891670 No nodes found in material = 14 No nodes found in material = 15 No nodes found in material = 16 Material 17 has 2214 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.744852644328E-01 Material 18 has 692 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.232808504912E-01 Material 19 has 296 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.995828286906E-02 Material 20 has 220 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.740142645674E-02 No nodes found in material = 21 Material 22 has 3062 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.103014399139 Material 23 has 1578 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.530884134033E-01 Material 24 has 260 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.874714035796E-02 ------------ Matbldtri Number of Nodes = 29724 Max. Connection to a Node = 11 Number of Area Coefficients = 205972 Minimum Voronoi area = 3.0364484E+00 Maximum Voronoi area = 4.5066782E+02 Minimum Voronoi edge length = -1.6699196E-10 Maximum Voronoi edge length = 5.4684559E+00 Total Voronoi area = 5.1110152E+06 Total Triangle area = 5.1110152E+06 epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 1.6416917E-09 4.4246083E-27 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 6 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 687 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 57708 min aspect ratio = 0.1742E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.1000E+01 epsilonvol: 1.2137884E-05 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.6073E+01 and 0.1283E+02: 15 element volumes b/w 0.1283E+02 and 0.2712E+02: 309 element volumes b/w 0.2712E+02 and 0.5730E+02: 6546 element volumes b/w 0.5730E+02 and 0.1211E+03: 41254 element volumes b/w 0.1211E+03 and 0.2559E+03: 10277 element volumes b/w 0.1211E+03 and 0.2559E+03: 10277 min volume = 6.0728968E+00 max volume = 2.5588334E+02 ----------------------------------------------------------- 58401 total elements evaluated. ---****--- Mesh development work is in ../2D_slice_C_v01 In this directory: lagrit < fehm.lgi cp outx3dgen lagrit_fehm.out cp logx3dgen lagrit_fehm.log 288 7:59 lagrit < 2D_v00_to_v01_pts.lgi 290 8:00 cp outx3dgen 2D_v00_to_v01_pts.out 291 8:00 cp logx3dgen 2D_v00_to_v01_pts.log =================== Method files ===================== ----- first pass nice distribution fix slivers on top edges and truncate pinchouts near 5 meters lagrit < slice_prepare.lgi 97 13:09 cp outx3dgen slice_prepare.out 98 13:09 cp logx3dgen slice_prepare.log -> slice_tri_ddn.inp ----- nearly delaunay mesh with recon 1 created from try03.lgi from version 00 mesh lagrit < smooth.lgi climax> cp outx3dgen smooth.out climax> cp logx3dgen smooth.log -> 2D_mass20.inp ----- prepare and offset interface points lagrit < mk_addpoints.lgi cp outx3dgen mk_addpoints.out cp logx3dgen mk_addpoints.log ----- connect slice and buffer points lagrit < connect_addpoints.lgi cp outx3dgen connect_addpoints.out cp logx3dgen connect_addpoints.log