Borehole test V1b /scratch/sft/tam/SALT/borehole/3D_stack_v1b April 11 2018 Modified to shift zones forward closer to actual build location The mesh remains the same, only the heater zone nodes are changed. Shift Heater from 3.5052 to 2.3876 meters. All else remains the same. MATERIAL ZONES: (no change) borehole with radius 2 inches 2 observation nodes top 6 inches from borehole wall 2 observation nodes bottom 12 inches from borehole wall Background 1 has 223234 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.937536478043 Borehole 2 has 14317 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.601284280419E-01 Obs top_left 3 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 Obs top_right 4 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 Obs bot_right 5 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 Obs bot_left 6 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 HEATER ZONES: These zones overwrite the zones above. Update to Shift Heater forward from 3.5052 to 2.3876 meters. V1 (old) y= 3.5052 to 3.7084 V1b (new) y= 2.3876 to 2.5908 There are 3 different radius lengths you can choose from 2, 2.5, and 3 inch. -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 9560 Mar 16 11:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 7635 Mar 16 11:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 5710 Mar 16 11:40 Heater Zone Length 8 inch (.2032m) y=3.5m to 3.7032 grid y 3.505 to 3.7084 and within radius distance for each zone. Each heater zone includes all nodes within radius distance. 2 inch (.0508m) radius (grid .05042m) Material 7 has 515 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.216289306991E-02 2.5 inch (.0635m) radius (grid .06593m) Material 8 has 690 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.289785675704E-02 3 inch (.0762m) radius (grid .07582) Material 9 has 865 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.363282044418E-02 OUTSIDE ZONES: (unchanged) Face top 1 has 3475 nodes. Face bottom 2 has 3614 nodes. Face left_w 3 has 3475 nodes. Face right_e 5 has 3614 nodes. Face back_n 6 has 1713 nodes. Face front_s 4 has 1713 nodes. MESH: nodes 238107 elements 1377552 Stack triangle layers into 3D tet mesh 1713 nodes per layer 139 stacked layers Y Stacked Layer spacing is 2 inches (0.0508 m) in Y direction XZ Spacing near .01 meters at borehole XZ Spacing near .03 meters at 8 inch radius XZ Spacing near .05 meters at 14 inch radius NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE (Meters) xic -1.524000000E+00 1.524000000E+00 3.048000000E+00 yic 0.000000000E+00 7.010400000E+00 7.010400000E+00 zic -1.524000000E+00 1.524000000E+00 3.048000000E+00 vor_vol 1.856840921E-06 7.046956543E-04 7.028388134E-04 From: "Johnson, Peter Jacob" Subject: Borehole mesh Date: April 10, 2018 at 9:04:06 AM MDT To: "Miller, Terry Ann" Cc: "Stauffer, Philip H" Hi Terry, as per our discussion, here's the borehole mesh info. Here's the visual of the original mesh, from In this one, the heater is located 3.5052 m (11.5 ft) back in the hole. Now that we've built it, the front of the heater is actually located at about 2.3876 m from the front of the hole (i.e. y = ~2.39) in inches, it's located 36 + 26 + 26 + 6 inches back from the front of the hole, or 94 inches. Attached are Phil's notes including sketch on page 2, showing the lengths. Charge code is DS1400 00000. Phil said to let him know if it'll take >1 day. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. Cheers PJ ------------------------------------------------------- Borehole test V1a /scratch/sft/tam/SALT/borehole/3D_stack_v1 Feb 26 2017 borehole with radius 2 inches 2 observation nodes top 6 inches from borehole wall 2 observation nodes bottom 12 inches from borehole wall Stack triangle layers into 3D tet mesh 1713 nodes per layer 139 stacked layers Spacing near .01 meters at borehole Spacing near .03 meters at 8 inch radius Spacing near .05 meters at 14 inch radius Stacked Layer spacing is 2 inches in Y direction nodes 238107 elements 1377552 NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE (Meters) xic -1.524000000E+00 1.524000000E+00 3.048000000E+00 yic 0.000000000E+00 7.010400000E+00 7.010400000E+00 zic -1.524000000E+00 1.524000000E+00 3.048000000E+00 vor_vol 1.856840921E-06 7.046956543E-04 7.028388134E-04 Material Block 1 has 223234 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.937536478043 Material Borehole 2 has 14317 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.601284280419E-01 Material top_left 3 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 Material top_right 4 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 Material bot_right 5 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 Material bot_left 6 has 139 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.583771150559E-03 HEATER ZONES Heater Zone Length 8 inch (.2032m) y=3.5m to 3.7032 grid y 3.505 to 3.7084 and within radius distance for each zone. -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 9560 Mar 16 11:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 7635 Mar 16 11:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 tamiller sft 5710 Mar 16 11:40 Each heater zone includes all nodes within radius distance. 2 inch (.0508m) radius (grid .05042m) Material 7 has 515 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.216289306991E-02 2.5 inch (.0635m) radius (grid .06593m) Material 8 has 690 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.289785675704E-02 3 inch (.0762m) radius (grid .07582) Material 9 has 865 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.363282044418E-02 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 2098 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 125617 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 1249837 min aspect ratio = 0.4869E-01 max aspect ratio = 0.8131E+00 epsilonvol: 1.4461487E-11 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.6220E-06 and 0.1847E-05: 130024 element volumes b/w 0.1847E-05 and 0.5484E-05: 197064 element volumes b/w 0.5484E-05 and 0.1628E-04: 208948 element volumes b/w 0.1628E-04 and 0.4835E-04: 102940 element volumes b/w 0.4835E-04 and 0.1436E-03: 738576 min volume = 6.2204581E-07 max volume = 1.4357739E-04 ----------------------------------------------------------- Stor file: AMatbld3d_stor: npoints = 238107 ncoefs = 2100897 AMatbld3d_stor: Number of unique coefs = 11539 AMatbld3d_stor: Maximum num. connections to a node = 11 AMatbld3d_stor: Volume min = 1.8568409E-06 AMatbld3d_stor: Volume max = 7.0469565E-04 AMatbld3d_stor: Total Volume: 6.5128747E+01 AMatbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) min = 2.9994983E-18 AMatbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) max = 2.7307011E-01 AMatbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) max = 2.9994983E-18 AMatbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) min = -2.7307011E-01 AMatbld3d_stor Matrix coefficient values stored as scalar area/distance AMatbld3d_stor Matrix compression used for graph and coefficient values ascii STOR file written with name tet_full.stor