Mesh 3D octree with unstructured top conforming to slope. This method uses hex with octree refine joined with triangulated slope piece. /scratch/sft/tam/grid_gen/generic_repository/3Dgrid_octree directory images/gallery.html all images Gridding Notes: The triangulated slope piece must be Delaunay (recon 1). Start refinement of fault wider than the fault, otherwise the fault will stair step outside the smallest refine area. Repository box is centered at Z=300, select height based on resolution. Refined resolution is 3.25m so repository size is multiples of 3.25 Repository top nodes at z = 309.375 Repository bottom nodes at z = 290.625 Repository node height = 18.75, voronoi height = 21.875 number of nodes = 634148 number of elements = 3686223 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 0.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+03 1.000000000E+03 634148 yic 0.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+03 1.000000000E+03 634148 zic 0.000000000E+00 6.000000000E+02 6.000000000E+02 634148 FEHM Files: -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 153471776 Jun 19 14:30 tet_final_zones.gmv -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 369245288 Jun 19 14:30 tet_final_zones.inp -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 196159705 Jun 19 14:31 tet.fehmn -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 134918966 Jun 19 14:33 tet.stor -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 6975805 Jun 19 14:31 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 10760950 Jun 19 14:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 205198 Jun 19 14:32 -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 1183723 Jun 19 14:32 tet_outside_vor.area From file write_fehm.out Material Top left 1 has 1722 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.271545443684E-02 Material Top right 2 has 1296 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.204368703999E-02 Material Repository 3 has 29575 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.466373786330E-01 Material Fault 4 has 478130 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.753972232342 Material Background 5 has 123425 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.194631218910 *** Construct and Compress Sparse Matrix:3D *** *** Compress Area Coefficient Values *** AMatbld3d_stor: *****Zero Negative Coefficients ****** AMatbld3d_stor: Number of 'zero' (< 10e-8 *max) coefs 0 AMatbld3d_stor: npoints = 634148 ncoefs = 5033908 AMatbld3d_stor: Number of unique coefs = 610 AMatbld3d_stor: Maximum num. connections to a node = 20 AMatbld3d_stor: Volume min = 7.6293943E+00 AMatbld3d_stor: Volume max = 1.5625000E+04 AMatbld3d_stor: Total Volume: 5.7500000E+08 AMatbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) min = 0.0000000E+00 AMatbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) max = 1.3333333E+02 AMatbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) max = 0.0000000E+00 AMatbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) min = -1.3333333E+02 AMatbld3d_stor Matrix coefficient values stored as scalar area/distance AMatbld3d_stor Matrix compression used for graph and coefficient values ascii STOR file written with name tet.stor *** SPARSE COEFFICIENT MATRIX _astor SUCCESSFUL *** 3D Matrix Coefficient file written with name tet.stor Exodus Files: -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 47143 Jun 19 15:47 exo_1_top_left.faceset -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 123703 Jun 19 15:47 exo_2_top_right.faceset -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 103784288 Jun 19 15:47 tet_exodus.exo -rw-r--r-- 1 tam sft 156752665 Jun 19 15:48 tet_exodus_ascii.exo num_dim = 3 ; num_nodes = 634148 ; num_elem = 3686223 ; Material 1 background num_el_in_blk1 = 1081173 ; Material 2 repository num_el_in_blk2 = 2458156 ; Material 3 fault num_el_in_blk3 = 146894 ; Faceset 1 Top left num_side_ss1 = 3360 ; Faceset 2 Top right num_side_ss2 = 8240 ; Method ------------------------------------------------------------ See sequence of calls in file RUNS. LaGriT input files *.lgi are commented with explanations. Project Files ----------------------------------------------------- Coarse version with 50m background spacing is in /scratch/sft/tam/grid_gen/generic_repository/3Dgrid_octree_coarse This replaces 3Dgrid using stacked 2D triangulations. /scratch/sft/spchu/reference_case/grid/gen_grid_v1_y25 /scratch/sft/spchu/reference_case/grid/gen_grid_v1_y25_new Quan's 2D slices /home/quanb/src/grid_gen/generic_repository2D Mesh 2D octree with unstructured top conforming to slope. The mesh uses a combination of octree for repo and fault, and unstructured along top slope. This is similar to the 2D unstructured slope in /scratch/fwo/tam/scott/2D_proto/2D_vers02_unstructured and /scratch/fwo/tam/scott/2D_proto/scripts/work_2d_unstructured