Gallery written: Tue Jun 27 10:50:02 2017
Directory: /scratch/sft/tam/WIPP/culebra/mesh_v02
Mesh Description: README.txt
LaGriT Mesh Output: mesh.out.txt
All Mesh Images: gallery.html
Same as mesh_v01 but with elevation values interpolated to top. Bottom elevations are top elevation minus 7.75 NOTE these values are cell centers with 87188 values, not cell vertice (87780 nodes). Source top elevations are from list of Z values from Culebra_Elevation/elev_top.mod (read nx,ny and yflip) Title: LAGRIT TO EXODUS number of nodes: 117976 number of elements: 58241 number of element blocks: 1 number of side sets: 7 Hex mesh file: hex_fs_5bndry.exo materials: 1 facesets: 1=bot, 2=top, 3=east, 4=north, 5=west, 6=south, 7=no-flow NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE xic 6.017500000E+05 6.299500000E+05 2.820000000E+04 yic 3.566550000E+06 3.597050000E+06 3.050000000E+04 z mesh 6.612750000E+02 9.342100000E+02 2.729350000E+02 z full surf 5.921050000E+02 9.345550000E+02 3.424500000E+02 z cropped 6.690250000E+02 9.342100000E+02 2.651850000E+02 Title: LaGriT to Exodus number of dimension: 3 number of nodes: 117976 number of elements: 58241 number of element blocks: 1 number of side sets: 7
hex_20x_a |
hex_20x_b |
hex_a |
hex_b |
hex_bot_top |
hex_fs_sides |
top_elev_10x_con |
top_elev_10x |
top_elev_nxny_yflip |