vers03 /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/fehm_200m_vers03 /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/grid/merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers03/ README.txt and RUNS ----- April 13 2009 The node numbers re-ordered and new fehm files written. files in this directory replaced Mon Apr 13 13:52:55 MDT 2009 nodes were re-ordered such that numbering starts with node 1 at the lower left bottom and increases upward by 6561 each layer use pyramid method to connect, files are in stor_pyr directory mesh is translated so x,y mins are at zero (meters) define XTRANS 678000. define YTRANS 4622850. trans 1,0,0 XTRANS YTRANS 0./0. 0. 0. This mesh is modified from vers02 to add layers for resolution. Target vertical resolution in the 6 Chugwater Tc 51.6 ft 15.7 m 5 Phosphoria Pp 85.7 ft 26.1 m 4 Weber Pw 37.8 ft 11.5 m 2 Madison Mm 34.4 ft 10.5 m These can be rounded to a resonable value and represent the minimum spacing vertically to resolve the geostatistical fields that Hailin has generated. Target area is around the injector wells in an area bounded by 9000,9000 to 13000,13000 /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/grid/merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers03_work # use lagrit to create new 9 layers for Mm # target 10.5 (7 is 13.12, 9 is 10.49) # use lagrit to create new 19 layers for Pw # target 11.5 (18 is 11.8, 19 is 11.23) # use lagrit to create new 3 layers for Pp # target 26.1 (4 is 18.38, 3 is 22.98, 2 is 30. ) # use lagrit to create new 23 layers for Tc # target 15.7 (22 is 15.95, 23 is 15.28 ) /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/grid/merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers03 merge selected surfaces and points into final set ======================================================== connect using pyramid then write stor file using /home/cwg/src/pyramid/wy_2008/fehm_200m_vers03 Step 1 ln -s /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/fehm_200m_vers03/points_for_tet.inp . cp points_for_tet.inp points_for_tet.node Step 2 Edit header from: 524880 0 7 0 0 To: 524880 3 0 0 Step 3 Connect the points: /home/cwg/src/pyramid/pyramid -q -S 0 points_for_tet.node reformat.awk points_for_tet.1.ele points_for_tet.1.connectivity lagrit : read / avs / points_for_tet.inp / mo dump / avs2 / points.inp / mo / 1 0 0 0 Edit points_for_tet.1.connectivity remove first line remove last line cat points.inp points_for_tet.1.connectivity > connect_pyr.inp Edit connect_pyr.inp to get the first line header correct: Change: 524880 0 0 0 0 To: 524880 3113035 0 0 0 (secon pass) 524880 3113012 0 0 0 avs2gmv.scr connect_pyr.inp lagrit < fehm_files.lgi cp outx3dgen fehm_files.out cp logx3dgen fehm_files.log ================================================================= Early versions, general Processing Surfaces: File: merge_offset_2tri_200m/RUNS NOTE: make sure to dump with avs2 the large negative values are lost in avs dump link to quad data files, assume coordinates aligned to have quad corners at zero after translation link.scr subset, move to zero, translate select surfaces newsurfs.scr translate rather than offset some of the interfaces transurfs.scr llagrit < mksurf_bot.lgi cp outx3dgen mksurf_bot.out cp logx3dgen mksurf_bot.log NOTE: this input calls subset.mlgi which straightens edges and subsets, remove subset for full mesh llagrit < merge_surfs.lgi grep ERR outx3dgen grep Err outx3dgen grep err outx3dgen cp outx3dgen merge_surfs.out cp logx3dgen merge_surfs.log llagrit < connect.lgi cp outx3dgen connect.out cp logx3dgen connect.log vers02 modification in merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers02 NOTE: this input calls subset.mlgi which straightens edges and subsets, remove subset for full mesh llagrit < merge_surfs.lgi grep ERR outx3dgen grep Err outx3dgen grep err outx3dgen cp outx3dgen merge_surfs.out cp logx3dgen merge_surfs.log * read the stacked surfaces, no pre-process * fix edges here, no buffer * assume imt is already saved in imtsav attribute * edge nodes are available in iedge llagrit < connect_andfix.lgi cp outx3dgen connect.out cp logx3dgen connect.log for debugging read the points and adjust connect use version of lagrit with write voronoi slagrit_vor < connect.lgi FIX NEGATIVE CCOEFS NOTE NEW STOR file created with different connect algorithm from Carl December 5 2008 /home/cwg/src/pyramid/test_03_wy_2008 -rw-r--r-- 1 gable pf 97198095 Dec 5 14:58 tet.fehmn -rw-r--r-- 1 gable pf 3247728 Dec 5 14:58 -rw-r--r-- 1 gable pf 1759253 Dec 5 14:58 tet_outside.area -rw-r--r-- 1 gable pf 304895 Dec 5 14:58 -rw-r--r-- 1 gable pf 118254434 Dec 5 14:58 tet.stor number of nodes = 295245 number of elements = 1859406 ***Construct and Compress Sparse Matrix:3D*** Matbld3d_stor: *****Zero Negative Coefficients ****** Matbld3d_stor: Number of 'zero' (< 10e-8*max) coefs 0 Matbld3d_stor: npoints = 295245 n connections = 4356795 Matbld3d_stor: Number of written coefs = 711741 Matbld3d_stor: Maximum num. connections to a node = 20 Matbld3d_stor: Volume min = 1.1216653E+05 Matbld3d_stor: Volume max = 3.5275930E+07 Matbld3d_stor: Total Volume: 9.2160006E+11 Matbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) min = 0.0000000E+00 Matbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) max = 4.0260925E+03 Matbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) max = 0.0000000E+00 Matbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) min = -4.0260925E+03 vers00 create triangle surfaces using offset newsurfs.scr 644 9:55 cp 001_Mmb_200m.inp input.lgi 645 9:55 llagrit < offset.lgi 646 9:57 mv outputup.inp 001_Mmb_200m_bufb_60.inp 647 9:57 mv outputlo.inp 001_Mmb_200m_bufa_60.inp 726 12:55 cp 002_Mm_200m.inp input.inp 727 12:56 llagrit < offset.lgi 729 12:58 mv outputlo.inp 002_Mm_200m_bufa_40.inp 731 12:59 mv outputup.inp 002_Mm_200m_bufb_40.inp 752 8:50 cp 004_Pw_200m.inp input.inp 753 8:50 llagrit < offset.lgi 755 8:51 mv outputlo.inp 004_Pw_200m_bufa_60.inp 756 8:51 mv outputup.inp 004_Pw_200m_bufb_60.inp 153 13:43 cp 006_Tc_200m.inp input.inp 154 13:43 llagrit < offset.lgi 156 13:44 mv outputlo.inp 006_Tc_200m_bufa_100.inp 158 13:45 cp 007_Jn_200m.inp input.inp 159 13:45 llagrit < offset.lgi 160 13:46 mv outputlo.inp 007_Jn_200m_bufa_100.inp 162 13:47 cp 009_Jm_200m.inp input.inp 163 13:47 llagrit < offset.lgi 164 13:47 mv outputlo.inp 009_Jm_200m_bufa_100.inp 166 13:48 cp 012_Kf_200m.inp input.inp 167 13:49 llagrit < offset.lgi 169 13:49 mv outputup.inp 012_Kf_200m_bufb_100.inp