V03 Mesh Apr 16 2009 tet.inp -> stor_pyr/connect_pyr.inp 164900026 Apr 13 2009 tet.fehmn 200391613 Apr 13 2009 tet.stor 12786365 Apr 13 2009 tet_multi_mat.zone 2479341 Apr 13 2009 tet_outside.area 429635 Apr 13 2009 tet_outside.zone 5774121 Mar 23 2011 tet_material.zone 490 Mar 23 2011 tet_vor_volumes.txt 49338763 Mar 23 2011 tet_imt_vorvol.dat 74175334 Apr 20 2010 hex.fehmn.fehmn 3780 Mar 25 2011 README.txt Local dir: /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/fehm_200m_vers03 Grid work: /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/grid/merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers03 The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo 1 Mesh Object name: cmo_tet number of nodes = 524880 number of elements = 3113012 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 18000000 status = active Face top 1 has 6561 nodes. Face bottom 2 has 6561 nodes. Face left_w 3 has 6480 nodes. Face right_e 5 has 6480 nodes. Face back_n 6 has 6480 nodes. Face front_s 4 has 6480 nodes. Area Area_x Area_y Area_z top 0.2568203E+09 0.1600000E+07 0.1600000E+07 0.2560000E+09 bottom 0.2568040E+09 0.1600000E+07 0.1600000E+07 0.2560000E+09 left_w 0.5991266E+08 0.5760000E+08 0.7200000E+06 0.3200000E+07 right_e 0.5991456E+08 0.5760000E+08 0.7200000E+06 0.3200000E+07 back_n 0.5991605E+08 0.7200000E+06 0.5760000E+08 0.3200000E+07 front_s 0.5991086E+08 0.7200000E+06 0.5760000E+08 0.3200000E+07 March 23 2011 Use mk_tet_material.lgi to write the material zone file here. Minimum material ID value = 1 Maximum material ID value = 13 Total possible materials = 13 Mmb 1 has 26244 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.500000000000E-01 Mm 2 has 59049 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.112500000000 PMa 3 has 13122 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.250000000000E-01 Pw 4 has 124659 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.237500000000 Pp 5 has 19683 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.375000000000E-01 Tc 6 has 150903 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.287500000000 Jn 7 has 19683 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.375000000000E-01 Je 8 has 13122 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.250000000000E-01 Jm 9 has 32805 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.625000000000E-01 Kmd 10 has 13122 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.250000000000E-01 Kmr 11 has 13122 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.250000000000E-01 Kf 12 has 13122 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.250000000000E-01 Kba 13 has 26244 nodes. #nodes/nnodes is 0.500000000000E-01 Total Volume: 9.2160005E+11 Voronoi volumes by material 1 26244 nodes 0.260085608604E+12 2 59049 nodes 0.258145636117E+11 3 13122 nodes 0.604409649051E+10 4 124659 nodes 0.581007099123E+11 5 19683 nodes 0.210504135090E+11 6 150903 nodes 0.939152339430E+11 7 19683 nodes 0.440200222903E+11 8 13122 nodes 0.986682970644E+10 9 32805 nodes 0.564304647276E+11 10 13122 nodes 0.103280983892E+11 11 13122 nodes 0.234226214132E+11 12 13122 nodes 0.273174229334E+11 13 26244 nodes 0.285203959753E+12 Total nodes 0.921600045283E+12 file of mesh node numbers, zone, vor_volume, x, y, z in tet_imt_vorvol.dat mesh is translated so x,y mins are at zero (meters) define XTRANS 678000. define YTRANS 4622850. xmin 0.000000000E+00 ymin 0.000000000E+00 zmin -3.600000000E+03 xmax 1.600000000E+04 ymax 1.600000000E+04 zmax 0.000000000E+00 ***Construct and Compress Sparse Matrix:3D*** Matbld3d_stor: *****Zero Negative Coefficients ****** Matbld3d_stor: Number of 'zero' (< 10e-8*max) coefs 0 Matbld3d_stor: npoints = 524880 n connections = 7646880 Matbld3d_stor: Number of written coefs = 877780 Matbld3d_stor: Maximum num. connections to a node = 20 Matbld3d_stor: Volume min = 1.0105404E+05 Matbld3d_stor: Volume max = 3.5275930E+07 Matbld3d_stor: Total Volume: 9.2160005E+11 Matbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) min = 0.0000000E+00 Matbld3d_stor: abs(Aij/xij) max = 3.9654889E+03 Matbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) max = 0.0000000E+00 Matbld3d_stor: (Aij/xij) min = -3.9654889E+03 epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 5.0874872E-09 1.3167702E-25 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 84893 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 1167 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 567 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 607199 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 1541230 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 543330 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 334626 min aspect ratio = 0.2231E-07 max aspect ratio = 0.8165E+00 epsilonvol: 2.0463631E-01 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.2047E+00 and 0.7227E+01: 52687 element volumes b/w 0.7227E+01 and 0.2552E+03: 27513 element volumes b/w 0.2552E+03 and 0.9011E+04: 2998 element volumes b/w 0.9011E+04 and 0.3182E+06: 2572520 element volumes b/w 0.3182E+06 and 0.1124E+08: 455599 element volumes b/w 0.3182E+06 and 0.1124E+08: 455599 element volumes <= epsilonvol: 1695 element volumes < epsilonvol: 1695 min volume = 8.8041223E-04 max volume = 1.1235131E+07 ----------------------------------------------------------- 3113012 total elements evaluated. ----- April 13 2009 The node numbers re-ordered and new fehm files written. files in this directory replaced Mon Apr 13 13:52:55 MDT 2009 nodes were re-ordered such that numbering starts with node 1 at the lower left bottom and increases upward by 6561 each layer Vers03 METHOD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use pyramid method to connect, files are in stor_pyr directory mesh is translated so x,y mins are at zero (meters) define XTRANS 678000. define YTRANS 4622850. trans 1,0,0 XTRANS YTRANS 0./0. 0. 0. This mesh is modified from vers02 to add layers for resolution. Target vertical resolution in the 6 Chugwater Tc 51.6 ft 15.7 m 5 Phosphoria Pp 85.7 ft 26.1 m 4 Weber Pw 37.8 ft 11.5 m 2 Madison Mm 34.4 ft 10.5 m These can be rounded to a resonable value and represent the minimum spacing vertically to resolve the geostatistical fields that Hailin has generated. Target area is around the injector wells in an area bounded by 9000,9000 to 13000,13000 /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/grid/merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers03_work # use lagrit to create new 9 layers for Mm # target 10.5 (7 is 13.12, 9 is 10.49) # use lagrit to create new 19 layers for Pw # target 11.5 (18 is 11.8, 19 is 11.23) # use lagrit to create new 3 layers for Pp # target 26.1 (4 is 18.38, 3 is 22.98, 2 is 30. ) # use lagrit to create new 23 layers for Tc # target 15.7 (22 is 15.95, 23 is 15.28 ) /scratch/fwo/tam/wy_2008/grid/merge_offset_2tri_200m/vers03 merge selected surfaces and points into final set ----- Vers02 December 5 2008