* read hex points and write fehm files * identify node column along well path read avs brick_evclr.inp cmohex cmo printatt cmohex -xyz- minmax cmo create cmotet / / / tet copypts cmotet cmohex filter 1,0,0 rmpoint compress cmo setatt cmotet itetclr 1 cmo setatt cmotet imt 1 connect noadd rmpoint compress quality resetpts itp ** add voronoi volumes as node attribute * use coordinates at zero for better precision cmo copy cmotmp cmotet cmo select cmotmp trans 1,0,0 zero cmo addatt cmotmp vor_volume vorvol cmo select cmotmp pset pneg attribute vorvol 1,0,0 lt 0. pset pout attribute itp 1,0,0 eq 10. pset pin not pout pset pBAD inter pin pneg cmo printatt cmotmp vorvol minmax cmo/addatt/cmotet/vorvol/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/afgx/0. cmo copyatt / cmotet cmotmp / vorvol vorvol cmo delete cmotmp * set materials imt (from EV) * set well locations * X 482800, Y 476300 ft (147157.44, 145176.24 meters) * The target interval Weber Sandstone at the well location for * CO2 injection ranges from -10600 to -11800 ft (elevation) * -3230.88 to -3596.64 meters cmo copyatt/ cmotet cmohex/ imt imt cmo delete cmohex cmo/addatt/cmotet/iwell/vint/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/afgx/0. cmo select cmotet define MATNO 50 define/XMIN/ 147150.00 define/XMAX/ 147160.00 define/YMIN/ 145170.00 define/YMAX/ 145180.00 define/ZMIN/ -5000. define/ZMAX/ 0. pset/pxy/geom/xyz/1,0,0/XMIN YMIN ZMIN/XMAX YMAX ZMAX/ cmo/setatt/cmotet/iwell pset,get,pxy MATNO define MATNO 51 define/ZMIN/ -3597. define/ZMAX/ -3230. pset/pinj/geom/xyz/1,0,0/XMIN YMIN ZMIN/XMAX YMAX ZMAX/ cmo/setatt/cmotet/iwell pset,get,pinj MATNO pset/pxy/well_nodes.zone/ascii/50 * write xyz and node information cmo copy cmotmp cmotet cmo/DELATT/cmotmp/itp1 cmo/DELATT/cmotmp/icr1 cmo/DELATT/cmotmp/isn1 cmo/addatt/cmotmp/xcoord/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/ cmo/addatt/cmotmp/ycoord/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/ cmo/addatt/cmotmp/zcoord/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/ cmo/copyatt/cmotmp cmotet/xcoord xic cmo/copyatt/cmotmp cmotet/ycoord yic cmo/copyatt/cmotmp cmotet/zcoord zic dump/ avs2 / node_attributes.dat/ cmotmp / 0 0 1 0 cmo delete cmotmp cmo printatt cmotet -all- minmax dump avs2 tet_connect.inp cmotet dump gmv tet_connect.gmv cmotet * only the 64bit release can do this * new tecplot GRID file seperate from solution files * dump tecplot tet_grid cmotet ascii grid dump fehm tet cmotet ascii trans 1,0,0 zero dump stor tet cmotet ascii finish