Grid Team Member: | Lucia Short | |
Grid Version: | Version 03.C.1: multiple polygons #6, 8, 9, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 45, 47, 50 |
Data Source: | LiDAR data Area C from Chandana Gangodagamage | |
Delivered To: | Scott Painter | |
Date Completed: | July 23, 2013 | |
V3.C.1 Mesh (6 layers): | 5,242,753 Nodes and |
10,285,056 Cells |
V3.1 Mesh (6 layers) : | 1,404,657 Nodes and |
2,740,224 Cells |
V3 Mesh (6 layers) : | 311,273 Nodes and |
602,112 Cells |
V2 Mesh (5 layers) : | 311,273 Nodes and |
602,112 Cells |
V1 Mesh (prototype): | 51,344 Nodes and |
94,080 Cells |
These meshes were developed in support of the Arctic Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE-Arctic) Project and LANL Laboratory Directed project LDRD20120068DR. These two projects share a need for high quality computational meshes for use in fine-scale modeling of thermal hydrology in ice-wedge polygon landscapes.
Version 3.C.1 runs the Version 3.1 with different number of polygons to create the mesh. This mesh is 3D based on multiple polygons ##6, 8, 9, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 45, 47, 50 generated using LiDAR data set (area C). This mesh follows the criteria listed in the Mesh Input Parameters below. The mesh has 1 moss layer, 2 organic layers, and 3 mineral layers with a flat bottom. The Ice Wedge starts at the top of the mineral layers and is aprox 2.8 meters long. The convention of layer order numbering is from top to bottom. Two Exodus II mesh files are written, one multi-material with ice, and one single material.
The layers above ice have a constant thickness throughout the mesh. The bottom layers (mineral 5 and 6) have variable thickness where ice material replaces mineral material.
This version doesn't have any changes besides the different set of polygons.
Full Stacked Mesh with Ice Wedge |
Full Stacked Mesh with Ice Wedge |
Same as V03 using Polygons ## 6, 8, 9, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 45, 47, 50 . The only change was in the file in set_poly_surf_file. I added loop to break up the number of polygons to separate them with "&" in order to fix the "long line" error in lagrit. This version uses the following layer definitions :
We want the top of the ice wedge to be at 50 cm depth (corresponds to the top of the inorganic layer).
Top of wedge starts at top of mineral layer (replaces cells only in materials 5 and 6)
Top wedge width (distance from polygon) is aprox 1.2
Depth from top of ice to tip is aprox 2.8
The side sets defined are top, bottom, and sides (corresponding to the 4 sectors within 45 degrees of each direction).
Output is a stacked prism mesh written as two Exodus files; a single material mesh and a multi-material Mesh with 7 materials (6 layers plus the Ice Wedge).
Files are written in formats; Exodus II (.exo), AVS (.inp), and GMV (.gmv)
Final Mesh files: mesh_fsets.exo, mesh_fsets.gmv, mesh_fsets.inp
Final Mesh with single material: mesh_fsets_1mat.exo, mesh_fsets_1mat.gmv, mesh_fsets_1mat.inp
Mesh Element Type: prism Mesh Software Used: LaGriT, ExodusII Total nodes: 5242753 Total elements: 10285056 Total Volume: 0.3589955E+05 from file write_exo.out.txt: Mesh Extents (Meters): MIN MAX DIFFERENCE x 7.933999634E+01 1.909821930E+02 1.116421967E+02 y 4.647000122E+01 1.617087402E+02 1.152387390E+02 z -1.000000000E+00 4.908469200E+00 5.908469200E+00 : from file write_exo.out.txt: SUMMARY VOLUME/AREA METERS of ELEMENT COLORS (BLOCKS) Color Num. Elements Volume Fractional Volume 1 214272 0.1288134E+03 0.003588163
2 964224 0.1159321E+04 0.032293466
3 964224 0.1159324E+04 0.032293551
4 642816 0.7728805E+03 0.021528977
5 1576723 0.2330028E+04 0.064904102
6 4968497 0.2721914E+05 0.758202785
30 954300 0.3130044E+04 0.087188956 from file stack_full_poly.out.txt: SUMMARY ELEVATIONS at LAYER TOPS (METERS) MIN MAX DIFF MAX below (thickness) 1 4.262400150 4.908469200 .02 2 4.242400150 4.888469200 .18 3 4.062400150 4.708469200 .18 4 3.882400150 4.528469200 .12 5 3.762400150 4.408469200 .50 6 3.262400150 3.908469200 4.99 (Bottom is flat at -1.0)
Mesh Layer Definitions (meters) |
![]() |
Boundary Side Sets |
Top and Bottom: neon-pink top (num_side_ss2) has 107136 faces neon-green bottom (num_side_ss1) has 107136 faces |
Sides: red east right (num_side_ss3) has 24576 faces yellow north back (num_side_ss4) has 32256 faces green west left (num_side_ss5) has 15360 faces blue south front (num_side_ss6) has 19968 faces |
/scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/arctic_fine_v3_C_1/ tar files sent (*tgz): arctic_fine_v3_C_1_avs.tgz
arctic_fine_v3_C_1_images.tgz arctic_fine_v3_C_1_mesh.tgz Created from clean subdirectories with mesh files:
drwxr-xr-x 2 lucia staff 4096 Jul 23 09:16 images_v3_C_1
drwxr-xr-x 2 lucia sftus 4096 Jul 23 09:18 mesh_avs_v3_C_1
drwxr-xr-x 2 lucia sftus 32768 Jul 23 09:22 mesh_v3_C_1 LaGriT faceset files with elem number and face (*.faceset): -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 1500007 Jul 11 15:29 fs_1_bot.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 1285735 Jul 11 15:29 fs_2_top.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 368743 Jul 11 15:29 fs_3_rig.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 483943 Jul 11 15:29 fs_4_bac.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 230503 Jul 11 15:29 fs_5_lef.faceset
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 299623 Jul 11 15:29 fs_6_fro.faceset Mesh and faceset files for 6 Materials (mesh_fsets.*): -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 457403816 Jul 11 15:30 mesh_fsets.exo
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 782160400 Jul 11 15:33 mesh_fsets.gmv
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 1637066072 Jul 11 15:33 mesh_fsets.inp Mesh and faceset files for 1 Material (mesh_fsets_1mat.*): -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 457401844 Jul 11 15:34 mesh_fsets_1mat.exo
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 717982032 Jul 11 15:38 mesh_fsets_1mat.gmv
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 1631823319 Jul 11 15:37 mesh_fsets_1mat.inp LaGriT output files contain information reported during the run (*.out.txt): -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 7666 Jul 11 15:03 get_poly_surf.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 22849 Jul 11 15:20 interpolate_icewedge.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 105831 Jul 11 15:03 make_poly10006.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 108585 Jul 11 15:03 make_poly10008.out.txt ...
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 112149 Jul 11 15:08 make_poly10047.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 113607 Jul 11 15:09 make_poly10050.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 48839 Jul 11 15:09 merge_ice.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 269338 Jul 11 15:12 stack_full_poly.out.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia staff 78740 Jul 11 15:38 write_exo.out.txt Mesh images: /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/arctic_fine_v3_C_1/arctic/images_v3_C_1
-rw-r--r-- 2 lucia sftus 30928912 Jul 9 11:47 lidar_site3.inp
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 123 Jul 9 11:47 poly10001.avs
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 178 Jul 9 11:47 poly10002.avs ... -rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 155 Jul 9 11:47 poly10071.avs
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucia sftus 190 Jul 9 11:47 poly10072.avs
These are LaGriT input (.lgi) and output (outx3dgen) files used in creating this mesh. The output files provide good information about the data and mesh, including min and max values of mesh attributes.
The complete set of scripts and input files are in /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/arctic_fine_v3_C_1. The output files for various mesh versions are in /home/lucia/sandbox/arctic and /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/.
To create a surface mesh, we run 2 python scripts. Normally, the Path 1 doesn't need to be re-run, so we just copy output files from this run to the output folder from the folder output_surf_mesh. If any of the Part 1 scripts are changed, then the Part 1 should be re-run, so Path 1 or 2 should be taken.
Path 1: Run script
Path 2: (If you didn't run Part 1, remove all the files from the ouput folder. Then copy files from directory output_surf_mesh into the output folder.) Run script
The easiest path is to run and then scripts. That creates necessary LaGriT files and runs other scripts.
Step 1: Create Ice Objects from Polygon make_poly.lgi. This script is used to create all polygons separately. The Input is the same for all polygons. The output is different for all the polygons, but it is similar. To get the output for the polygon you are interested in, change the # of the polygon in the link: make_poly<enter_your_number>.out.txt
- Polygon #6: Output
Step 2: Merge all the ice objects created in Step 1. Input Output
Step 3: Create and stack layers into full mesh (stack_full_poly.lgi) Input Output
Step 4: Interpolate Ice Material on to Full Stacked Mesh (interpolate_icewedge.lgi) Input Output
Step 5: Create facesets and write final Exodus files (write_exo.lgi) Input Output
Carl Gable | <gable -at- lanl -dot- gov> | 505-665-3533 |
Terry Miller | <tamiller -at- lanl -dot- gov> | 505-667-8009 |
Lucia Short | <lucia -at- lanl -dot- gov> | 505-665-7957 |