Project Description: Mesh V01 (b)

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Gallery written: Wed May 1 15:58:22 2013

Image Directory: /scratch/sft/tam/grid_gen/arctic/3D_poly40_v01/images

#  number of dimension:               3
#  number of nodes:               51344
#  number of elements:            94080     

There are 2 meshes, one with 1 material, the other with the following:

color         LAGRIT MESH  (EXO PROP_NUM)  Material Description
blue-white    material 30  (300000) = ice 
moss-green    material 5    (50000) = moss layer 4 
blue          material 4    (40000) = upper organic layer 3 
dark-brown    material 3    (30000) = lower organic layer 2 
light-brown   material 2    (20000) = active layer 1 (organic or mineral)
gray          material 1    (10000) = frozen mineral soil 

Mesh extents:

ATTRIBUTE        MIN               MAX         DIFFERENCE    
 xic      4.634709930E+01  7.183999634E+01 2.549289703E+01     
 yic      1.062200012E+02  1.326065216E+02 2.638652039E+01      
 zic      5.430011824E-02  4.992260933E+00 4.937960815E+00     

Mesh cells for each material:

Color      Num. Elements   Volume          Fractional Volume                    
    1       60864          0.1308482E+04     0.740990154                        
    2        6272          0.1984116E+02     0.011235998                        
    3        6272          0.3968212E+02     0.022471889                        
    4        6272          0.1190466E+03     0.067415773                        
    5        6272          0.7936425E+02     0.044943777                        
   30        8128          0.1994401E+03     0.112942409                        
 Total elements:    94080    Total Volume:  0.1765856E+04

Outside surface Facesets (side sets):

Color       Direction     Exodus name    Num. Elements
neon-green   bottom       num_side_ss1     6272 
neon-pink    top          num_side_ss2     6272 
red          east right   num_side_ss3     960 
yellow       north back   num_side_ss4     480 
green        west left    num_side_ss5     240 
blue         south front  num_side_ss6     480 

Ice Wedge Mesh Materials

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Ice Wedge Mesh Materials cut to show inside mesh

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Mesh Detail of Cells and Vertices (Nodes)

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

ID   Name                       Cell Thick   Num Cells   Mat Thick

5    moss active  layer 4          .2         1          0.20

4    upper organic layer 3         .3         1          0.30

3    lower organic layer 2         .1         1          0.10

2    layer 1 (organic or mineral)  .05        1          0.05

1    frozen mineral soil         .34545     2 - 11     0.69 - 3.799       

30   ice                         .34545     0 - 11     0.00 - 3.799 

Mesh Detail of Material Layers

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
Exodus Top and Bottom face sets
LaGriT Finite Element 
Exodus Side face sets
LaGriT Finite Element 
Element Mesh

These are images generated while developing methods and illustrate problems that can occur during the meshing process.

Error: Sort was not used before facesets extracted.
The dump/exodus routine reorders elements based on values in itetclr. Exodus organizes blocks of material cell sets based on this ordering. If things are not already in order, the exodus reorder will cause the element numbers to be different and therefore facesets will not correlate to outside anymore. See image.

Note that facesets in LaGriT appear correct. It is only after the internal sort in dump/exodus that faces no longer correlate to elements. View the binary exodus file to make sure facesets (side sets) are correct.

The Exodus facesets can be viewed in GMV by reading the binary exo file. Select Surfaces under Display menu.

GMV View of Exodus side set surfaces.
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Outside Surface colored by normal direction
LaGriT Finite Elemen
t Mesh
LaGriT Outside Surface cut to show inside.
LaGriT Finit
e Element Mesh

Error: Interpolate norms calculated on tri elems to original surface tags outside.
Original facesets using area normal and interpolation did not work for this mesh and method using settets/normal was used instead. Images show the faceset problem.

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh