* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Program: LaGriT V3.101 Linux m64 * * * date_compile: 2013/04/25 RH gf4.5 * * * Run Time: 2013/Sep 26 16:16:19 * * * Manual: http://lagrit.lanl.gov * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -----oOo----- LaGriT V3 LACC-2012-084 LaGriT Copyright: This program was prepared by Los Alamos National Security, LLC at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) under contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). All rights in the program are reserved by the DOE and Los Alamos National Security, LLC. Permission is granted to the public to copy and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the U.S. Government nor LANS makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of this software. -----oOo----- Output log file: outx3dgen Command log file: logx3dgen # Interpolate ice wedge mesh on to full stacked mesh # This will overwrite material layers with ice 30 # Input the ice wedge mesh object read/gmv/ice_wedge.gmv/mo_ice Reading GMV binary file gmvinputieee cmo/addatt/mo_ice/layertyp/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxa/0.0 finish no geometry for mesh object geniee geniee: mesh has 9304 self-degenerate faces ELMTESTD WARNING: mesh has 0 degenerate elements and 10476 self-degenerate elements finish Nodes: 30055 Elements: 13517 Done reading GMV binary total bytes: 3033496 file: ice_wedge.gmv cmo/printatt mo_ice -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 7.933999634E+01 1.909821930E+02 1.116421967E+02 30055 yic 4.647000122E+01 1.684469910E+02 1.219769897E+02 30055 zic 9.624001384E-01 4.356940746E+00 3.394540608E+00 30055 cmo/printatt mo_ice itetclr minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH itetclr 1 18 17 13517 cmo/setatt/mo_ice/itetclr/30 13517 values reset for attribute itetclr cmo/copyatt/mo_ice/mo_ice/mat_orig/itetclr CMO_COPYATT WARNING: attribute does not exist: attribute now created: mat_orig cmo/addatt/mo_ice/mat_orig/VINT/scalar/nelements/user/permanent/l finish 13517 copied from mo_ice itetclr to -> mo_ice mat_orig # Input the full stacked mesh read/gmv/full_mesh.gmv/mo Reading GMV binary file gmvinputieee cmo/addatt/mo/layertyp/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent/gxa/0.0 finish no geometry for mesh object geniee finish Nodes: 5622993 Elements: 11034624 Done reading GMV binary total bytes: 709836472 file: full_mesh.gmv cmo/printatt mo -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 7.933999634E+01 1.909821930E+02 1.116421967E+02 5622993 yic 4.647000122E+01 1.706046448E+02 1.241346436E+02 5622993 zic -1.000000000E+00 4.908469200E+00 5.908469200E+00 5622993 cmo/addatt/mo/ielemclr/VINT/scalar/nnodes cmo/addatt/mo/mat_orig/VINT/scalar/nelements cmo/copyatt/mo/mo/mat_orig/itetclr 11034624 copied from mo itetclr to -> mo mat_orig # Interpolate ice wedge mesh on to full mesh node attribute ielemclr # Save itetclr to mat_orig before overwriting cmo/printatt mo itetclr minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH itetclr 1 6 5 11034624 intrp/map/mo ielemclr/1,0,0/mo_ice itetclr nodes in indexed point set = 5622993 INTRP METHOD: map FUNCTION: user TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.310000000000E+02 cmo select mo_ice finish cmo kdtree build cmo/addatt//v2/INT/scalar/scalar/constant/temporary//2.0 finish cmo/addatt//linkt/VINT/v2/nelements//temporary/x/0.0 finish cmo/addatt//v12/INT/scalar/scalar/constant/temporary//12.0 finish cmo/addatt//sbox/VDOUBLE/v12/nelements/linear/temporary/x/0.0 finish finish Sink point Elems Searched Elements Found Percent Done 112461 0 0 2 % 224921 0 0 4 % 337381 0 0 6 % 449841 0 0 8 % 562301 0 0 10 % 674761 0 0 12 % 787221 0 0 14 % 899681 0 0 16 % 1012141 0 0 18 % 1124601 0 0 20 % 1237061 0 0 22 % 1349521 0 0 24 % 1461981 2940 847 26 % 1574441 12548 4129 28 % 1686901 23074 7819 30 % 1799361 33292 11875 32 % 1911821 45919 18595 34 % 2024281 61406 27747 36 % 2136741 78654 38238 38 % 2249201 97820 50580 40 % 2361661 119307 65202 42 % 2474121 142546 81479 44 % 2586581 167498 99324 46 % 2699041 194337 118688 48 % 2811501 223522 139617 50 % 2923961 255964 162430 52 % 3036421 290486 186315 54 % 3148881 326193 210964 56 % 3261341 362606 235865 58 % 3373801 398952 261234 60 % 3486261 437529 287333 62 % 3598721 476743 313718 64 % 3711181 516075 340651 66 % 3823641 556041 367941 68 % 3936101 597707 395888 70 % 4048561 640534 424420 72 % 4161021 661680 438101 74 % 4273481 661708 438123 76 % 4385941 661708 438123 78 % 4498401 661708 438123 80 % 4610861 661708 438123 82 % 4723321 661708 438123 84 % 4835781 661708 438123 86 % 4948241 661708 438123 88 % 5060701 661708 438123 90 % 5173161 661708 438123 92 % 5285621 661708 438123 94 % 5398081 661708 438123 96 % 5510541 661708 438123 98 % 5622993 661708 438123 Total cmo select mo finish WARNING: Sink points not inside source grid: 5184870 Total sink points marked: 5184870 with flag: 31.00 intrp/map done. cmo kdtree release cmo/DELATT/mo_ice/sbox finish cmo/DELATT/mo_ice/v12 finish cmo/DELATT/mo_ice/linkt finish cmo/DELATT/mo_ice/v2 finish finish # CHECK nodes should be values 30 and 31 (outside ice) cmo/printatt/mo/ielemclr/minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH ielemclr 30 31 1 5622993 # Find nodes set with ice value 30 cmo/select/mo pset/p_ice/attribute/ielemclr/1,0,0/eq/30 THE PSET p_ice HAS 438123 POINTS # Find elements with nodes set to ice # note inclusion or exclusion options select more or less eltset/e_ice/inclusive/pset get p_ice THE ELTSET e_ice HAS 1065510 ELEMENTS #eltset / e_ice / exclusive / pset get p_ice # Find elements in layers where ice exists # Note Material order 1 at top to bottom n define MAX_ICELAYER 4 eltset e_all itetclr ge 1 THE ELTSET e_all HAS 11034624 ELEMENTS eltset/e_maxl/itetclr/gt/MAX_ICELAYER THE ELTSET e_maxl HAS 8046080 ELEMENTS # CHECK bounds of ice over all materials eltset e_all_e30 inter e_ice e_all THE ELTSET e_all_e30 HAS 1065510 ELEMENTS # Find elements of ice in permitted layers only eltset/e30/inter/e_ice e_maxl THE ELTSET e30 HAS 1036017 ELEMENTS # set itetclr to ice material cmo/setatt/mo/itetclr/eltset,get,e30/30 1036017 values reset for attribute itetclr dump/proto_full_poly.exo/mo dump/exo/proto_full_poly.exo/mo ExodusII: Start writing to file: proto_full_poly.exo using cmo: mo cmo/set_id/mo/element/e_num_temp cmo/addatt/mo e_num_temp/VINT/scalar/nelements/linear/permanent//0 finish finish sort/mo/index/ascending/ikey_utr/itetclr/e_num_temp cmo/addatt/mo/ikey_utr/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikey_utr finish cmo/DELATT/mo/e_num_temp finish cmo/modatt/mo/itetclr/ioflag/lga finish INITIALIZE exodus Title: LAGRIT TO EXODUS number of dimension: 3 number of nodes: 5622993 number of elements: 11034624 number of edges: 0 number of edge blocks: 0 number of element blocks: 7 number of face blocks: 0 number of node sets: 0 number of edge sets: 3 number of element sets: 0 number of side sets: 0 number of face sets: 0 number of node maps: 0 number of edge maps: 0 number of face maps: 0 number of element maps: 0 cmo/modatt/mo/itetclr/ioflag/l finish ExodusII: Done writing to file: proto_full_poly.exo using cmo: mo finish dump/proto_full_poly.gmv/mo dump/gmv/proto_full_poly.gmv/mo cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish dump/proto_full_poly.inp/mo dump/avs/proto_full_poly.inp/mo cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish finish ############# CHECK FINAL MESH ####################### # Full stacked mesh cmo/printatt mo itetclr minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH itetclr 1 30 29 11034624 cmo/printatt mo mat_orig minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH mat_orig 1 6 5 11034624 cmo/printatt mo -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 7.933999634E+01 1.909821930E+02 1.116421967E+02 5622993 yic 4.647000122E+01 1.706046448E+02 1.241346436E+02 5622993 zic -1.000000000E+00 4.908469200E+00 5.908469200E+00 5622993 # ice wedge mesh object cmo/printatt mo_ice itetclr minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH itetclr 30 30 0 13517 cmo/printatt mo_ice mat_orig minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH mat_orig 30 30 0 13517 cmo/printatt mo_ice -xyz- minmax ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic 7.933999634E+01 1.909821930E+02 1.116421967E+02 30055 yic 4.647000122E+01 1.684469910E+02 1.219769897E+02 30055 zic 9.624001384E-01 4.356940746E+00 3.394540608E+00 30055 # merge for viewing in same space cmo setatt mo itetclr 1 11034624 values reset for attribute itetclr cmo setatt mo_ice itetclr 2 13517 values reset for attribute itetclr addmesh/merge/mo_merge/mo/mo_ice searching for mo_merge attributes in mo_ice attribute not found: 67 ielemclr attribute not found: 69 ikey_utr ADDMESH: 2 attributes not copied from mo_ice to mo_merge dump gmv ck_merge_full_ice.gmv mo_merge cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish # DONE # Final Files: # proto_full_poly.exo # proto_full_poly.gmv # proto_full_poly.inp finish LaGriT successfully completed