Each directory has a RUNS file with method steps. In general, this is what happens in each directory. Link to poly surface. ln -s /scratch/sft/tam/grid_gen/arctic/intermediate_scale/polys_intermediate/out_quad_lobster_var/poly_all_quads2.gmv poly_all_quads.gmv ln -s /scratch/sft/tam/grid_gen/arctic/intermediate_scale/polys_intermediate/out_quad_lobster_var/poly_all_quads2.inp poly_all_quads.inp Link to elevation surface. ln -s /scratch/sft/tam/grid_gen/arctic/intermediate_scale/input_poly_data/lidar_site3_surf.inp lidar_site3_surf.inp Copy files from fine scale work, these have the stack definitions we need cp /scratch/sft2/lucia/grid_gen/arctic/arctic_fine_v3_C_1/lagrit_files/* lagrit_files_fine_scale Apply elevations to merged poly surface lagrit < apply_elevations.lgi cp outx3dgen apply_elevations.out Stack layers using poly surface as top lagrit < stack_layers.lgi cp outx3dgen stack_layers.out Write final mesh files Using scripts from fine scale, not the aggregate work which removes cells. Modified to work for degenerate quads during extract, tag sides process Be sure to check surf_sides.gmv to find zero vol faces attached to bottom top and bottom facesets must have same number of faces lagrit < write_exo.lgi uses output_faceset.mlgi cp outx3dgen write_exo.out ncdump_lin64 mesh_fsets.exo > mesh_fsets_ascii.exo