

tesselate% cat run.scr
set LAGRIT_X = lagrit_lin_o
rm *outx3dgen
$LAGRIT_X < demo_pset.lgi
mv outx3dgen demo_pset.outx3dgen

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Gallery written: Thu Jun 21 13:22:47 2007

LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh
LaGriT Finite Element Mesh

tesselate% cat ../demo_pset.lgi
* Define variables that will be used in point distribution.
* These define the min/max extents of the box.
define / XMIN / 0.0
define / XMAX / 1.0
define / YMIN / 0.0
define / YMAX / 1.0
define / ZMIN / 0.0
define / ZMAX / 1.0
define / CMO_NAME / cmo_hex
* Build a hex mesh
define / NX / 21
define / NY / 21
define / NZ / 21
cmo / create / CMO_NAME / / / hex
createpts / brick / xyz / NX NY NZ / XMIN YMIN ZMIN / XMAX YMAX ZMAX / 1 1 1
cmo / setatt / CMO_NAME / imt / 1 0 0 / 1
cmo / setatt / CMO_NAME / itp / 1 0 0 / 0
cmo / setatt / CMO_NAME / itetclr / 1 0 0 / 1
cmo / status
resetpts / itp
* Convert hex to 5 6 24 tets
hextotet / 5 / cmo_tet5 / cmo_hex
hextotet / 6 / cmo_tet6 / cmo_hex
hextotet / 24 / cmo_tet24/ cmo_hex
* Convert hex to tet using Delaunay connect routine
cmo / create / cmo_tet / / / tet
copypts / cmo_tet / cmo_hex
resetpts / itp
dump / gmv / hex.gmv / cmo_hex
dump / gmv / tet05.gmv / cmo_tet5
dump / gmv / tet06.gmv / cmo_tet6
dump / gmv / tet24.gmv / cmo_tet24

dump / gmv / tet_connect.gmv / cmo_tet
* Translate the mesh objects in space so that
* when they are added together, they do not sit
* on top of one another.
define / OFFSET / 1.5
cmo / select / cmo_tet5
trans / 1 0 0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0 / OFFSET 0. 0.0
cmo / select / cmo_tet6
trans / 1 0 0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0 / OFFSET OFFSET 0.0
cmo / select / cmo_tet24
trans / 1 0 0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0 / 0.0 OFFSET 0.0
cmo / select / cmo_tet
trans / 1 0 0 / 0.0 0.0 0.0 / OFFSET OFFSET OFFSET
* Append all the mesh objects into a single mesh object.
addmesh / append / cmo_all / cmo_hex / cmo_tet5
addmesh / append / cmo_all / cmo_all / cmo_tet6
addmesh / append / cmo_all / cmo_all / cmo_tet24
addmesh / append / cmo_all / cmo_all / cmo_tet

dump / gmv / tet_all.gmv / cmo_all
* Now use some of the pset commands to identify point sets.
cmo / select / cmo_tet24
* Move cmo_tet24 back to it original, pre-translated position.
trans / 1 0 0 / original
* Identify points using Cartesian, x,y,z min/max box
pset / pset_xyz / geom / xyz / 1 0 0 / 0.4 0.3 0.2 / 1.0 1.0 1.0
* Identify points using Cylindrical, R, Theta, Z min/max
pset / pset_rtz / geom / rtz / 1 0 0 / 0. 0.0 0. / .5 270. .5
* Identify points using Spherical, R, Theta, Phi min/max
pset / pset_rtp / geom / rtp / 1 0 0 / 0. 0.0 0. / 1.0 270. 90.
* Add some new node attributes and color them with the pset's
cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / pxyz / vdouble / scalar / nnodes
cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / prtz / vdouble / scalar / nnodes
cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / prtp / vdouble / scalar / nnodes

cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / pxyz / pset get pset_xyz / 2.0
cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / prtz / pset get pset_rtz / 2.0
cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / prtp / pset get pset_rtp / 2.0
* Define some pset's with the Boolians,
* Union (OR), Intersection (AND), Compliment (NOT)
pset / pset_union / union / pset_xyz pset_rtp
pset / pset_inter / inter / pset_xyz pset_rtp
pset / pset_not / not / pset_rtp pset_xyz

cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / punion / vdouble / scalar / nnodes
cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / pinter / vdouble / scalar / nnodes
cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / pnot / vdouble / scalar / nnodes

cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / punion / pset get pset_union / 2.0
cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / pinter / pset get pset_inter / 2.0
cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / pnot / pset get pset_not / 2.0

dump / gmv / tets_pset.gmv / cmo_tet24
* Create some surfaces for use in the region commands.
* Define parameter to be used later.
* Create the quad surfaces
quadxy NX NY/MIN MIN 0./MAX MIN 0./MAX MAX 0./MIN MAX 0.
* Copy the quad surface into another mesh object
cmo / setatt / cmo_1 / itetclr / 1 0 0 / 1
cmo / setatt / cmo_2 / itetclr / 1 0 0 / 2
* Use the math command to set the z coordinates to:
* cmo_1 z(i)=sin(y(i))
* cmo_2 z(i)=sin(x(i))
cmo / select / cmo_1
scale / 1 0 0 / relative / xyz / 0.1 0.1 0.2
trans / 1 0 0 / 0. 0. 0. / 0. 0. 0.25
cmo / select / cmo_2
scale / 1 0 0 / relative / xyz / 0.1 0.1 0.2
trans / 1 0 0 / 0. 0. 0. / 0. 0. 0.75

cmo / printatt / cmo_1 / -xyz- / minmax
cmo / printatt / cmo_2 / -xyz- / minmax

dump / gmv / z_sin_y.gmv / cmo_1
dump / gmv / z_sin_x.gmv / cmo_2

addmesh / merge / cmo_tmp / cmo_1 / cmo_2
dump / gmv / z_sin_x_y.gmv / cmo_tmp
cmo / delete / cmo_tmp
* Now use the surfaces to define regions.
cmo / select / cmo_tet24
surface / surf1 / reflect / sheet / cmo_1
surface / surf2 / reflect / sheet / cmo_2

region / reg_1 / le surf1
region / reg_2 / gt surf1 and le surf2
region / reg_3 / gt surf2

pset / pset_r1 / region reg_1
pset / pset_r2 / region reg_2
pset / pset_r3 / region reg_3

cmo / addatt / cmo_tet24 / pregion / vdouble / scalar / nnodes

cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / pregion / pset get pset_r1 / 1.0
cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / pregion / pset get pset_r2 / 2.0
cmo / setatt / cmo_tet24 / pregion / pset get pset_r3 / 3.0

dump / gmv / region.gmv / cmo_tet24
