* * Carl W. Gable * gable@lanl.gov * LaGriT Control File * http://lagrit.lanl.gov * http://meshing.lanl.gov * read / avs / points.inp / cmotet cmo / create / cmotri / / / triplane copypts / cmotri / cmotet cmo / delete / cmotet cmo / select / cmotri * * Input point distribution is 3D * Only keep the points at y = 200 * cmo / printatt / cmotri / -xyz- / minmax pset / pall / seq / 1 0 0 pset / pkeep / attribute / yic / 1 0 0 / 200. / eq pset / pdel / not pall pkeep rmpoint / pset get pdel rmpoint / compress dump / gmv / points_2d.gmv / cmotri define / YSIZE / 400. infile geometry.mlgi * * Set node material id (imt) values based on geometry. * setpts cmo / status / brief dump / gmv / setpts_omr.gmv / cmotri * * Delaunay connect * connect * * Set element material id (itetclr) values based on geometry. * settets / geometry dump / gmv / settets_omr.gmv / cmotri * * Smooth the mesh. * smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 dump / gmv / smooth.gmv / cmotri * * Get rid of any triangles with small edge lenght. * massage / 1.e20 1.0 0.1 / 1 0 0 dump / gmv / smooth.gmv / cmotri finish