*--* ex_addmesh_add *--* Header Begin *--* LAGriT Example Input file * Carl Gable * gable -at- lanl -dot- gov * * *--* Create a rough and fine mesh, *--* Insert the fine mesh inside the course mesh, *--* Refine the course mesh near the fine mesh, *--* Delete elements of the course mesh that intersect the fine mesh *--* Put the two MO into a single MO *--* Copy the point distribution into a tet MO *--* Connect the points to a Delaunay mesh *--* *--*---------------------------------------------------- *--* Header End *--* ex_addmesh_add *--* * Create the larger mesh * cmo / create / cmo_hex / / / hex cmo / select / cmo_hex * * Create a simple hex mesh, NX-NY-NZ define / NX / 10 define / NY / 10 define / NZ / 10 createpts/brick/xyz/NX,NY,NZ/0.,0.,0./1.,1.,1./1,1,1 * * Set the element material id numbers (itetclr) to 1 cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / itetclr / 1 0 0 / 1 * * Set the node material id numbers (imt) to 1 cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / imt / 1 0 0 / 1 * * Set the point types (interior => itp=2 exterior itp=10) * resetpts / itp * * Convert hex mesh object to a tet mesh object * hextotet / 5 / cmo_tet1 / cmo_hex quality * * Create the smaller mesh which will have higher resolution * cmo / create / cmo_hex2 / / / hex cmo / select / cmo_hex2 define / NX / 10 define / NY / 10 define / NZ / 30 createpts/brick/xyz/NX,NY,NZ/0.4, 0.4, 0.1/ 0.6 0.6 0.9 /1,1,1 cmo / setatt / cmo_hex2 / itetclr / 1 0 0 / 1 cmo / setatt / cmo_hex2 / imt / 1 0 0 / 1 resetpts / itp hextotet / 5 / cmo_tet2 / cmo_hex2 quality * * Insert the small mesh into the large * *This will excavate the cmo_tet1 mesh to make room for the cmo_tet2 mesh * addmesh / add / cmo_add / cmo_tet1 / cmo_tet2 * * Turn off polygon output * cmo/setatt//ipolydat/no dump / gmv / addmesh.gmv / cmo_add cmo / create / cmo_tet3 / / / tet copypts / cmo_tet3 / cmo_add cmo / setatt / cmo_tet3 / imt / 1 0 0 / 1 cmo / setatt / cmo_tet3 / itp / 1 0 0 / 0 connect resetpts / itp quality cmo/setatt//ipolydat/no dump / gmv / connect.gmv / cmo_tet3 finish