* * Read in the file that defines the wells * read / avs / well_bore_data.inp / cmo_well * * Read in the level 0 mesh created by gridder * read / gmv / grid_l0.gmv / cmo_hex * * Intersect wells with grid and refine elements * identified for refine to level 1. * infile refine_intersect.lgi dump / gmv / tmp_ref_l1.gmv / cmo_hex * * Intersect wells with grid and refine elements * identified for refine to level 2. * infile refine_intersect.lgi dump / gmv / tmp_ref_l2.gmv / cmo_hex * * Intersect wells with grid and refine elements * identified for refine to level 3. * infile refine_intersect.lgi dump / gmv / tmp_ref_l3.gmv / cmo_hex * * Intersect wells with grid and refine elements * identified for refine to level 4. * infile refine_intersect.lgi dump / gmv / tmp_ref_l4.gmv / cmo_hex * * Delete the well mesh object. It is no longer needed. * cmo / delete / cmo_well * * Identify elements at monitor point locations. * * Read in a set of points * read / avs / monitor_points_data1.inp / cmo_pts * * Intersect the points with the mesh. * intersect_elements / cmo_hex / cmo_pts / int_pts * * Make an element set of the intersected elements. * eltset / e_int_pts / int_pts / gt / 0 * * Create an element array of integers to hold the port id attribute. * cmo/addatt/cmo_hex/id_ports/VINT/scalar/nelements * * Set the port id attribute to 1 if the element is intersected by the points. * cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / id_ports / eltset get e_int_pts / 1 eltset / delete / e_int_pts cmo / delete / cmo_pts * * Identify elements at a different set of monitor point locations * and set id_ports to 2. * read / avs / monitor_points_data2.inp / cmo_pts cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / int_pts / 1 0 0 / 0 intersect_elements / cmo_hex / cmo_pts / int_pts eltset / e_int_pts / int_pts / gt / 0 cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / id_ports / eltset get e_int_pts / 2 eltset / delete / e_int_pts cmo / delete / cmo_pts * * Identify elements at a different set of monitor point locations * and set id_ports to 2. * read / avs / monitor_points_data3.inp / cmo_pts cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / int_pts / 1 0 0 / 0 intersect_elements / cmo_hex / cmo_pts / int_pts eltset / e_int_pts / int_pts / gt / 0 cmo / setatt / cmo_hex / id_ports / eltset get e_int_pts / 3 eltset / delete / e_int_pts cmo / delete / cmo_pts dump / gmv / hex_l4.gmv / cmo_hex dump / avs / hex_l4.inp / cmo_hex finish