*--* ex_polygon_non_manifold *--* Header Begin *--* LAGriT Example Input file * Carl Gable * gable -at- lanl -dot- gov * * *--* Create a triangulation for a non-manifold geometry *--* Smooth the resulting triangulation. *--* Refine and smooth the mesh further. *--* *--*---------------------------------------------------- *--* Header End *--* ex_intersect_surface_line *--* * Create a triangulation for a non-manifold geometry * Smooth the resulting triangulation. * *---------------------------------------------------- cmo/create/cmotri1///tri read/avs/polygon_nonman.inp/cmotri1 define/ICOLOR/1 infile/lagrit.input_tri_macro * * Triangulate the polygon * triangulate/counterclockwise cmo/setatt/-def-/imt/1 0 0/ICOLOR cmo/setatt/-def-/itetclr/1 0 0/ICOLOR * * Reset the values of the itp array so smoothing can move the nodes * resetpts/itp dump/gmv/output_tri_nonman.gmv/cmotri1 * * Refine the mesh * refine2d refine2d resetpts itp * * Smooth the mesh * smooth/position/esug/1 0 0 recon 0 dump/gmv/smooth_nonman.gmv/cmotri1 smooth/position/esug/1 0 0 smooth/position/esug/1 0 0 dump/gmv/smooth2_nonman.gmv/cmotri1 * * Apply random smoothing * smooth/position/random/1 0 0 dump/gmv/smooth_random.gmv/cmotri1 smooth position/esug/1 0 0 recon 0 dump/gmv/smooth_ran_smooth.gmv/cmotri1 recon 1 dump/gmv/smooth_nonman_recon.gmv/cmotri1 * * Refine and smooth the mesh some more. * refine2d refine2d refine2d quality resetpts / itp smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 smooth / position / esug / 1 0 0 recon 1 quality dump/gmv/smooth_nonman_recon2.gmv/cmotri1 finish