Zone CAN 1 (orange)
Zone SALT 2 (yellow)
Zone AIR 3 (blue)
Zone EDZ 4 (gray pink)
Zone ROCK 5 (brown)
Can center at 0,0 coordinate
Can radius = .3048 meters (12 inches)
distance from can to salt top = .6096 (24 inches)
distance from wall to can = .6096 (24 inches)
distance from can center to salt edge = 1.534 meters (60 inches)
distance from wall to salt edge = 2.4384 meters (96 inches)
distance from floor to ceiling = 2.4384 meters (96 inches)
X -6.6040 to 12.0904 meters (-260 to 476 inches)
Z -18.1864 to 18.3896 meters (-716 to 724 inches)
3D Slice with 3 stacked layers in Y direction
Y 0 to .2 meters (0 to 3.937 inches)
2D Triangle Mesh
nodes 12604
tri elements 24908
Minimum Voronoi area = 1.0354787E-03
Maximum Voronoi area = 1.1688361E-01
Total Voronoi area: 6.8376637E+02
3D Tet Mesh
nodes 37812
tet elements 149448
Voronoi Volume min = 5.1773935E-05
Voronoi Volume max = 1.1688361E-02
Total Voronoi Volume: 1.3675327E+02