Grid Team Member: | Terry Miller |
Version: | 3D Prism Mesh |
Data Source: | Greg Flach SRNL |
Delivered To: | David Moulton and Greg Flach |
Date: | June 2 2014 to present |
Version | Scope | Finished | Total | |
V1.3.1 | Hex Slice Recolored | May 21 2014 | 15,264 Nodes | 7,426 Cells |
V1.3 | Prism Half Mesh Recolored | May 21 2014 | 950,640 Nodes | 1,851,847 Cells |
V1.2.2 | Quad 2D from half size | June 19 2014 | 7,632 Nodes | 7,426 Cells |
V1.2.1 | Hex Slice from half size | June 19 2014 | 15,264 Nodes | 7,426 Cells |
V1.2 | Prism Mesh (half size) | June 17 2014 | 950,640 Nodes | 1,851,847 Cells |
V1.1 | Prism Mesh (quarter size) | June 12 2014 | 476,736 Nodes | 925,007 Cells |
V1.0 | Prototype Octree (quarter size) | June 18 2014 | 32,110,546 Nodes | 233,000,000 Cells |
V0.0 | Geometry Definition | June 02 2014 | 12,768 Nodes | 22,711 Cells |
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This project is for ASCEM Savannah River Tank II Modeling.
There are 2 meshes. The geometry mesh represents the material interfaces of the input tank data from Greg.
The computational mesh has refinement between interfaces and added resolution along the Fast Flow path inlets and outlets.
Grid optimization techniques such as smoothing are used to improve mesh performance.
Tank geometry is defined as 13 layers horizontal and 8 radial. The 14 tank materials are defined by selection of these layer and radial intersections.
Mesh Files are available on local servers or you can download the compressed ".tar.gz" archive. See mesh details and locations below.
V1.3 Recolor Half Prism and Hex Slice
V1 Hex Slice and 2D Quad from Prism Mesh
V1.2 3D Prism Mesh (Half Size) Images
V1.1 3D Prism Mesh (Quarter Size) Images
V1.0 Prototype Octree (Quarter Size) Images
V0 Prototype (Quarter Size) Geometry Images
All Project Images
Local: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014
The following definitions apply to all the meshes: The Mesh is built in cm Coordinates and converted to meters. 3D Mesh has prism elements, slice has hex elements, 2D has quad elements. Mesh has cylinder spacing with center at 0,0 Top boundary is 1992.5 cm (19.925 meters) Bottom boundary is -1000 cm (10 meters) Outside side boundary is 2375 cm (23.75 meters) V1.2 Mesh Materials (Exodus Blocks): 1 - soil (green) 2 - floor (light gray) 3 - roof (light gray) 4 - wall (light gray) 5 - tank grout (light purple) 6 - annulus grout (purple) 7 - primary liner (dark gray) 8 - secondary liner (dark gray) 9 - primary sand pad (gold) 10 - secondary sand pad (light gold) 11 - tank waste layer (red) 12 - annulus waste layer (magenta) 13 - fast flow paths (turqoise) 14 - primary liner, permeable (brown) V1.3 Changes the following colors: 13 - fast flow concrete (turqoise) 14 - primary liner, permeable (brown) 15 - fast flow annulus (dark blue) 16 - fast flow primary liner (bright green) Boundary Facesets (Exodus Side Sets) for all grids: 1 - Bottom 2 - Top 3 - Side Right 4 - Side Back 5 - Side Left 6 - Side Front Note: 2D side sets are 1) Top 2) Bottom 3) Right 4) Left Mesh information can be found in mesh directory in README.txt, RUNS, *.txt README.txt is a general overview of the mesh version (cm). mesh_stats.txt includes stats such as mesh info and material volumes mesh_meter_stats.txt are the same stats after conversion to meters. Mesh Files are written in formats: Linux Binary Exodus II (.exo) Linux Binary GMV (.gmv) ASCII AVS (.inp)
V1.2 Materials 1 - 14
V1.3 Materials 1 - 16
Change Materials from: 13 - fast flow paths (turqoise) 14 - primary liner, permeable (brown) |
To the following colors: 13 - fast flow concrete (turqoise) 14 - primary liner, permeable (brown) 15 - fast flow annulus (dark blue) 16 - fast flow primary liner (bright green) |
Description of Recolor RegridTank.pdf Gallery of V1.3 Recolored Mesh Images |
MESH FILES for V1.3.1 Hex Slice (Recolor)
Date: May 21 2014 Local dir: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014/3D_stack_V1.3_slice Front Face of Half Size (1 cell wide) Same mesh as V1.2.1 except materials change from 14 to 16 total. number of elements = 7426 number of nodes = 15264 V1.3.1 Hex Slice README txt file Download Archive (meters): Stank_v1.3.1_slice_m.tar.gz (529K) Downlad Archive (cm): Stank_v1.3.1_slice_cm.tar.gz (512K) |
number of elements = 7426 number of nodes = 7632 2D Front Face of Hex Slice V1 Tank with 14 materials Resolution 1.75 and 2.5 cm along flow path and waste layers. V1.2.2 2D Quad Images V1.2.2 2D Quad README txt file |
MESH FILES for V1.2.2 2D Quad (from half size)
Local dir: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014/3D_stack_V1/half_size_2D Coordinates in meters 363K Sep 3 11:52 quad_mesh_fs_m.exo 792K Sep 3 11:52 quad_mesh_fs_m.gmv 3.1M Sep 3 16:03 quad_mesh_fs_m.inp 23K Sep 3 12:05 mesh_meter_stats.txt 13K Sep 3 11:58 quad_fs_sides.png 14K Sep 3 11:58 quad_fs_sides_w_mat.png 7.7K Jun 20 08:12 README.txt Downlad Archive (meters): Stank_V1_2D_m.tar.gz (433K) Coordinates in cm 363K Jun 19 15:18 quad_mesh_fs.exo 792K Jun 19 15:18 quad_mesh_fs.gmv 1.5M Jun 19 14:37 quad_mesh.inp 7.5K Jun 19 15:29 README.txt 43K Jun 19 15:28 mesh_stats.txt Downlad Archive (cm): Stank_V1_2D.tar.gz (393K) |
number of elements = 7426 number of nodes = 15264 number of elements each layer = 318 Front Face of Half Size 10 cm wide (1 cell) V1 Tank with 14 materials Resolution 1.75 and 2.5 cm along flow path and waste layers. V1.2.1 Hex Slice Images V1.2.1 Hex Slice README txt file |
MESH FILES for V1.2.1 Hex Slice (from half size)
Local dir: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014/3D_stack_V1/half_size_slice Coordinates in meters 774K Sep 3 14:03 hex_mesh_fs_m.exo 1002K Sep 3 14:03 hex_mesh_fs_m.gmv 2.7M Sep 3 14:03 hex_mesh_fs_m.inp 35K Jun 19 13:53 mesh_stats.txt 7.2K Jul 9 10:44 README.txt Downlad Archive (meters): Stank_v1_slice_m.tar.gz (525) Coordinates in cm 774K Jun 19 13:17 hex_mesh_fs.exo 1002K Jun 19 13:17 hex_mesh_fs.gmv 2.1M Jun 19 13:16 hex_mesh.inp 35K Jun 19 13:53 mesh_stats.txt 7.2K Jun 20 08:15 README.txt Downlad Archive (cm): Stank_prism_v1_slice.tar.gz (508K) |
number of elements = 1851847 number of nodes = 950640 number of elements each layer = 39401 Half size (180 degrees) Tank embedded in box. Combination of Radial and Layer interfaces define 14 materials Resolution 1.75 and 2.5 cm along flow path and waste layers. V1.2 Half Mesh Images V1.2 Half Mesh README txt file |
MESH FILES for V1.2 Prism Mesh (half size)
Local dir: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014/3D_stack_V1/half_size Coordinates in meters 79M Sep 3 14:53 prism_mesh_fs_m.exo 132M Sep 3 14:53 prism_mesh_fs_m.gmv 25K Sep 3 14:54 mesh_meter_stats.txt 6.8K Jun 17 15:07 README.txt Downlad Archive (meters): Stank_prism_v1_half_m.tar.gz (43M) Coordinates in cm 79M Jun 16 07:38 prism_mesh_fs.exo 132M Jun 16 07:38 prism_mesh_fs.gmv 271M Jun 14 17:14 prism_mesh.inp 34K Jun 16 07:23 mesh_stats.txt 6.8K Jun 17 07:50 README.txt Downlad Archive (cm): Stank_prism_v1_half.tar.gz (102M) |
number of elements = 925007 number of nodes = 476736 number of elements each layer = 19681 Quarter size (90 degrees) Tank embedded in box. This mesh is the basis for half mesh, hex slice, quad 2D. Combination of Radial and Layer interfaces define 14 materials Resolution 1.75 and 2.5 cm along flow path and waste layers. V1.1 Quarter Mesh Images V1.1 Quarter Mesh README txt file |
MESH FILES for V1.1 Prism Mesh (quarter size)
Local dir: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014/3D_stack_V1 Coordinates in meters 40M Sep 3 15:18 prism_mesh_fs_m.exo 66M Sep 3 15:18 prism_mesh_fs_m.gmv 220M Sep 3 15:18 prism_mesh_fs_m.inp 25K Sep 3 15:13 mesh_meter_stats.txt 6.3K Sep 4 07:50 README.txt Downlad Archive (meters): Stank_prism_v1_m.tar.gz (53M) Coordinates in cm 40M Jun 12 17:04 prism_mesh_fs.exo 66M Jun 12 17:04 prism_mesh_fs.gmv 135M Jun 12 16:22 prism_mesh.inp 33K Jun 12 09:28 mesh_stats.txt 6.2K Jun 12 09:29 README.txt Downlad Archive (cm): Stank_prism_v1.tar.gz (56M) |
number of octree elements = 27125580 number of tet elements = 233000000 number of nodes = 32110546 Quarter size Refined elements defined by intersection of 14 materials. Cell size ranges from 1cm to 2**8 cm. A structured mesh with octree refinement was built based on the quarter mesh geometry. The runs took a couple of days. To get enough resolution to capture the thin cylindrical walls we need to refine at least 8 times. Note this fast prototype is missing some refinement under the wall and annulus. Though the cylinder wall has definition, the spacing is stair-stepped along the curve and thickness across the feature varies along this stair-step interface. For prototype of process only. No model files are available. V1 Prototype Octree Images V1 Prototype Octree Method README txt file |
This mesh and the images are good for viewing the geometry and design of each material.
This geometry definition is approved and used for the V1 computational meshes.
number of elements = 22711 number of nodes = 12768 Quarter size Spacing defined by material interfaces of 14 materials. This represents the Tank geometry and materials. Elements fill in and out of tank, otherwise no added resolution. For viewing only. Not for modeling. V0 Prototype Geometry Images |
MESH FILES for V0 Prototype Geometry (quarter size)
2.8M Jun 5 07:53 cyl0_quarter.gmv 2.8M Jun 5 07:53 cyl0_quarter_ascii.gmv 2.8M Jun 5 07:53 cyl0_quarter_avs.inp 1015K Jun 5 07:53 cyl0_quarter.exo 3.7K Jun 5 08:48 README.txt Local dir: /scratch/nts/tam/ascem/tank_2014/3D_proto_stack Downlad Archive (5 files): STank_geom_v0.tar.gz (2.0M) |
This is the stack method used to create all the V1 stacked meshes.
The quarter size is repeated for half circle 180 degrees.
The front face of half mesh is used to extract a 3D slice and a 2D slice.
Create the triangulated surface based on cylinder point distributions. This will be the template for the stacked prism mesh. lagrit < tri_surf.lgi to create basic triangulation lagrit < smooth_recon.lgi to optimize to targe edge lengths lagrit < tri_color_regions.lgi to assign cylinder regions Stack surfaces into the 3D mesh lagrit < stack.lgi cp outx3dgen stack.out.txt check connectivity in directory /connect lagrit < stor.lgi color the prism mesh lagrit < stack_set_materials.lgi cp outx3dgen stack_set_materials.out.txt Write exo files for the prism mesh lagrit < write_exo_fs.lgi cp outx3dgen write_exo_fs.out.txt Write exo files in meters instead of cm lagrit < write_exo_fs_m.lgi cp outx3dgen write_exo_fs_m.out.txt
Carl Gable | <gable -at- lanl -dot- gov> | 505-665-3533 |
Terry Miller | <tamiller -at- lanl -dot- gov> | 505-667-8009 |
Lucia Short | <lucia -at- lanl -dot- gov> | 505-665-7957 |