These are LaGriT input command files (.lgi) and output report files (.out.txt) used in creating this mesh.
The output files are copied from the LaGriT outx3dgen file generated from running a command .lgi file,
and report information about the data and mesh, and Success or Error in the routines.
These instructions assume an advanced user of LaGriT and some familiarity with python scripts.
The complete set of scripts and LaGriT input files are in lagrit_input_files directory of archive.
The complete set of outx3dgen files from LaGriT are copied to *.out.txt in lagrit_output_files directory of archive.
mkdir input link DEM elevation data to input/lidar.inp link polygon data to input/poly1000*.avs mkdir lagrit_files cp lagrit_input_files/*lgi lagrit_files cp lagrit_input_files/*py work_dir cp lagrit_input_files/*sh work_dir mkdir output_surf_mesh mkdir output
Scripts are run from directory work_dir
Input Data are in directory work_dir/input
Output Files are written in directory work_dir/output
LaGriT Files are read and written in directory work_dir/lagrit_files
There are 2 Steps using python scripts.
Normally Step 1 is run once,
with output files saved for re-use to work_dir/output_surf_mesh.
If any of the Step 1 scripts are changed, then the Step 1 should be re-run.
Scripts will over-write files in work_dir/output, use this as your work directory
Path 1: Run python script
Path 2: Run python script (edit to select polygon numbers)
rm output/* rm output_surf_mesh/* ./ grep ERR output/*txt grep Err output/*txt cp output/* output_surf_mesh/ ./ grep ERR output/*txt grep Err output/*txt
From Run and above. This will create all the LaGriT input and output files.
Edit and run LaGriT outside the python scripts to build a stacked prism mesh from selected subset of polygons.
Input are the LaGriT command files filename.lgi Output are the LaGriT report files filename.out.txt
Step 1: Create Ice Object(s) from Polygons (make_poly.lgi).
Each polygon uses the same command file.
Polygon #1: Output
Note: A LaGriT report file is written for each polygon. To view the report for a particular polygon, change the # of the polygon in the link: make_poly<enter_your_number>.out.txtStep 2: Merge all the ice objects created in Step 1 (merge_ice.lgi)
This command file will work for single or multiple polygons.
Input OutputStep 3: Create and stack layers into full mesh (stack_full_poly.lgi)
The triangulated polygon surfaces are stacked and refinment added between the surfaces. The result is a 3D prism mesh.
Input OutputStep 4: Interpolate Ice Material on to Full Stacked Mesh (interpolate_icewedge.lgi)
This will use the 3D ice object to overwrite materials in the stacked mesh.
Input OutputStep 5: Create facesets and write final Exodus files (write_exo.lgi)
This will reorder materials for ExodusII from 1 to n and create face sets for ExodusII boundary sidesets.
Input Output