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LaGriT Geologic Mesh Generation, Finite Element Mesh, Tet Mesh Refined on LaGriT


Hexahedra to 5, 6 or 24 Tetrahedra

Intersect Two Surfaces, Make Hole in Surface Defined by Intersection

Compute Median Point of Tri, Quad, Hex, Tet and Color By Median Value

Triangulate a Polygon, Refine and Smooth the Triangulation

Triangulate a Degenerate Polygon

Connect Hex Elements to Tet Elements With Pyramids

Make two surfaces coincident where they cross

Sort and Reorder Element and Node Numbers Based on Multi-Key Sort of Coordinates

Build A Two Material Tet Mesh: A Sphere Inside a Cube

Build A Three Material Tet Mesh: A Sphere Inside a Cube and a Spherical Cap

Octree Refine Hex Mesh with 2 Surfaces

Octree Refine 1x1x1 Box with Wells


Intersect Two 3D Tet Meshes, Refine Volume of Intersection, Remove Intersecting Tets

Write Exodus Stacked Mesh with facesets

LaGriT Logo triangulated

Triangulate a Polygon, Refine and Smooth the Triangulation

Triangulate Multiple Matching Polygons, Refine and Smooth

LaGriT Demo Grids For Los Alamos Science Article

LaGriT Demo Sphere Mesh Generation Using 6 Different Methods

Torus Mesh for Electromagnetic Computations

CFEM Demos : Demos include inserting a fault into a background mesh, a series of 2D and 3D subduction zone geometry grids and some the SCEC benchmark problems.

Graphical Illustration of How Sort/Reorder Changes the Bandwidth of Sparse Matrix

Projects Alphabetically

Assorted Projects

GOLEVKA Asteroid for A Safaeinili, JPL NASA
Hydro Thermal Ocean UCSC for E. Giambalvo
Mighty_North for T. Carney
Beowawe GFM V00 for M. Person
Beowawe GFM V01 for M. Person
Beowawe Block Model for M. Person
Mt Simon for Illinois Basin
NMT Coso for M. Person
Roer Valley Block Model w Faults and Mines
Roer Valley Faults
Murry Basin
LANL Ponderosa Hillslope for G. Zyvoloski
NRAP Springerville Version 01 for G. Zyvoloski
Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE) ASU Soils for ATS and ParFlow
Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE) Sample Images for S. Painter
Cylinder Mesh CO2 Leakage Study for T. Kremer
Studies for Voronoi Cells and Volumes 2018
RockWare Strat Data V2

Arctic Project

Fine Scale Barrow Polygons

Index Fine Mesh 2016-2017

Index Fine Mesh 2013-2014

Multiple Polygons (v03_C_1 six layers plus ice)

Multiple Polygons (v03.1 six layers plus ice)

Single Polygon #40 (v03.0 six layers plus ice)

Single Polygon #40 (v02.0 five layers plus ice)

Single Polygon #40 (v01.0 prototype)

Intermediate Scale Stacked Meshes

Project Page and Downloads

Synthetic Polygon Process

Synthetic Polygon Generation Main Page

Random Point Generaton

Polygon Generation

ASCEM Project

WIPP Culebra Mesh V2

WIPP Culebra Mesh V1

F-Basin 3D Mesh

Savannah River Tank II

Amanzi-Walkabout Demo Problem


CO2 corner point geometry for Insalah

CO2 Plume Study on Slope

Cylinder Mesh CO2 Leakage Study for T. Kremer

WY Surfaces from Petrel (2015)
WY CERC Subsets from Petrel (2013)
BigSky Carbon, Kevin Dome GFM 2012
WY STATE CO2, with Injection Well (2012)
WY STATE CO2, LaBarge Model seis3d (2011)
WY STATE CO2, Rock Springs Uplift 16K - Coarse Stack (2009)
WY STATE CO2, Rock Springs Uplift 16K - Refined Stack (2008)
WY STATE CO2, Rock Springs Uplift 16K - Extended Mesh (2014)

Crustal Dynamics
Benchmark Strike Slip
LaGriT Geologic Mesh Generation, Finite Element Mesh, Landers/Hector Mine Fault Mesh
CFEM Demos : 15 Demos
with input control files and output GMV files.
Demos include inserting a fault into a background mesh,
a series of 2D and 3D subduction zone geometry grids,
and some the SCEC benchmark problems.

San Andreas Fault from SCEC Community Fault Model (CFM)
Benchmark Reverse Fault
Benchmark 5
Benchmark 7
Community Block Model
CBM 4 Block Prototype Mesh
Dipping Fault Block
Landers Hector Mine Benchmark
LaGriT Utility: Mesh to Point Interpolation
San Andreas 1906, Brad Aagaard, USGS

Discrete Fracture Network

Example Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Mesh

Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Description

IDEAS Watersheds

Copper Creek Watershed
LaGriT Workflow

Lower Triangle Watershed
LaGriT Workflow

East River


East River
Index page for 2014-2015

ROM2001_2D_v3 LaGriT Geologic Mesh Generation, Finite Element Mesh, Romanian 3D Grid Version 2

SALT Models

LaGriT Geologic Mesh Generation,  Mesh, SALT
SALT BOREHOLE Extended 10 meters
SALT CAN SLICES V1 Octree/Smooth
3D SDDI SALT Heaters
3D Stoller Canister
3D Hex Tunnel for SALT


LaGriT Geologic Mesh Generation,  Mesh, Seismic
Mortandad Meshes
Basin Meshes V03
Prototype Meshes V01 and V02


LaGriT Geologic Mesh Generation,  Mesh, UFD
SFWD-GDSA Geologic Modeling Integration 2019
SFWD-GDSA Workflow for Alluvial Basin - 4 Test Models
GDSA Voronoi Meshing Integration
UFD Generic Repository 2D 1 Meter
UFD Generic Repository 3D Octree

Index to Internal Projects ( LANL ER/EP, NTS/UGTA, YMP, GNEP, and OIL)

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